Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Section Review 2 and Identify.

1. Canaan, Palestine, and Israel.
Judism, Islam, and Christianity view it as their Holy land.

2. Dan to Beersheba.

3. It was the main highway to the ancient world.

4. The Ten Commandments.

5. That He would be their King, and they became a nation ruled by God who also chose their leaders.

6. Phoenicians.

7. David and Solomon.
David brought the ark of the covenant.
During Solomon's reign, there was a time of peace.

8. It was divided into the Northern Kingdom, Israel, and the Southern Kingdom, Judah.

9. 721 B.C.

Abraham: Father of a great Nation.

Patriarchs: the founding fathers of the nations of Israel.

Moses: one of the greatest men who delivered the Israelites from Egypt.

Covenant: solemn agreement.

Theocracy: a nation ruled by God.

Alphabet: system of writing in which letters are used to represnt sounds.

Sinai Script: the first true alphabet.

Literacy: the ability to read and write one's own language.

721 B.C.: when the Assyrians invaded jerusalem.

586 B.C.: when the Babylonians invaded the Southern Kingdom.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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