Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Chapter 26 Section Review 2 plus Identify.

1. N. & South Korea
2. They got weapons, and Julius, Rosenburg, and Hiss
3. Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria.
4. They had elections to give the apperance of a republic but they were really communists.
Dictorial Communism.
5. The Marshall Plan. Provided further Communism in Europe.
6. 1949. NATO. Warsaw Pact.
7. Khrushchev. He denounced the practices of Stalin.
8. 1956. 1968. The countries were invaded and people were killed.
9. The Berlin Wall. 1961.
10. Churchill, Edan, and Macmillan. They turned away from God.
11. Gaulle. He was the leader of the French government during WWI.
1. Alicde De Gasperi.

Cold War: War fought with words and ideas.
Satelite Nation: Supposedly independant nations but were under the control of eachother.
Hopkins: Director of the Lend-Lease Act.
Hiss: convicted for spying
Iron Curtain: a tryanny and oppression in eastern Europe
WEst Germany: nations united in 1949
Berlin airlift: American provided supplies to germans
EEC: European economic community
Tito: the dictator of ....
Mitterand: became president of France
Red Brigades: kidnapped and murdered Italian man
Carlos: encouraged moderation and democratic rule during period s of unrest
Britsih Common Wealth: established prior to WWII
Adenauer: a traditional catholic and a conservative politician provided leadership for weasten germany after their defeat.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Midterm Review!

Chapter 1 & 2 Test
Multiple Choice
1. history
3. Before Christ
4. Anno Domini
5. Three eras of history
7. Tigris and Esuphrates
10. Civilization

1. culture
4. monotheism
5. polytheism
10. postdeluvian

2. ancient- 4000BC to 5000BC
medieval- 5000AD to 1500AD
modern- 15000AD to present

Chapter 3 & 4 Test
Multiple Choice
1. Mt. Everest
2. Dead Sea
4. Caste
10. India
14. Decalogue
15. Mt. Horeb
16. Mecca

10. arcipelago
Short Answer
2.38th parallel
12.Marco Polo
13. The Chi'n dynasty
14.the great wall of china
28. pyong yang
29. seoul

Chapter 5 Test
Multiple Choice
3.northeast corner of Africa
10. heiroglyphics
6.king tut
7 .mummification

Chapter 6 Test
Multiple Choice
1.because it was unexplored
2.polar ice caps
3.2 fifths
5. Sahara
9.Lake Victoria
1.Wbwd- Melech
4.Simon Cyrene
5 .Clement of Alexandria
Short Answer

Chapter 7 Test
Multiple Choice
1. black/aegean
2. corinth
4. Homer
5. The illiad
6.The odyssey
7. Zeus
8. Apollo
11. Ares
13. polis
14 . Acropolis

Chapter 8 Test
Multiple Choice
2.Warm mediterranean
3. alps
5.753 ad
14 .pedagouge
15 .Roman senate
5 .triumvirate
Short Answer
1.Roman peace
2.caesar agustus
7.mount vesuvius

Chapter 12
multiple choice
7.william ockham
4.burghers death
9.Leonardo da vinci
1.peice of land held by one man taht belonged to nobles
15.famous painting by leonardo da vinci

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Post Reformation Europe pictassss.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Protestant Reformation Pictassss.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Section Review 15.1

1. Many peasants converted to Christianity through Martin Luther's preachings. They hpoed through the Lord, their feudal lords would treat them better. They looked to Luther as the deliver from their oppression. Sooooo, they rebelled.
The nobles crushed the peasants.

2. He gave Lutherans until April 1531 to return to Rome or face a war.
Peace of Augsburg.
Gave official approval to the territorial principle.

3. The counter reformation.
The inquisition and the index.

4. Jesuits.

5. They were completely dedicated to the roman church.

First Portestant confession of faith.
Used to torture and obtain heretics.
went to a shrine of mary and confessed his sins for three days.
where rome made it's strongest stand against the Protestants.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chapter 14 Study Guide!

1. Northern Europe. Rebirth of learning.
2. Publishing Hebrew dictionary.
3. Key player in translating Bible.
4. Wrote Utopia. Politics.
5. Translated Bible.
6. Erasmus.

1. Didn't feel forgiven.
2. Germany.
3. Struck by lightning and prayed to St. Anne to be saved.
4. Physically punished his body.
5. Wittenburg.
6. Corruption.
7. Romans 1:17

1. Shortened purgatory wait.
2. Sold indulgences.
3. "As soon as the coin hits the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs."
4. Told church what they were doing wrong.
5. Leo X.
6. Hanno.
7. Wild boar.

1. Meeting in Germany.
2. He could be killed without cause.
3. Fredrick the Wise.
4. Wartburg Castle.
5. Knight George.
6. Musica and sermons.
7. a mighty fortress is our god.

1. Bach and Handal.
2. Katharine von Bora.
3. Spread reformation through switzerland.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chapter Thirteen Online Test.

1. Celts: Earliest inhabitants and Ancient Britain.
2. Jutes, Angles, Saxons: conquered celts around 5th century.
5. Alfred the Great: first great king of England.
8. Harold Godwin: English nobles made him very powerful.
9. Wiliam the Conqueror: got his name after the Battle of Hastings.
19. Joan of Arc: peasant girl who claimed she heard from God.
25. Hugh Capet: his corination began the Capetian line of French kings and of french nation.
26. Louis VI: strenghtened kings power in the ile-de-france.
28. Louis IX: one of frances most memorable kings.
30. Boniface VIII: the pope.
33. Ferdinand and Isabella: prince who married the princess and then united the two kingdoms.
39. Marco Polo: son of Italian Merchant.
42. Christopher Columbus: italian born adventurer who planned a voyage to the west indies.

Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? celts

What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 1337-1453

Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? Anglo-saxons

Which name did the Romans give to Spain? hispana

These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain: Moor

What does “reconquista” mean? spanish waged a crusade, to take spain back from the moor

Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. england,france,spain, and

What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic
worship site? stonehenge

Which Germanic tribe named England? anglo-saxon

Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) caedmon

Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? hugh capet

Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? louis 6

What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out) 1st-clergy 2nd-nobles 3rd

Which peninsula is Spain located on? iberian peninsula

Name 3 Germanic tribes. angles,saxons,and jutes

Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won? england and france, france

ooooh BLAH!!!