Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chapter 14 Study Guide!

1. Northern Europe. Rebirth of learning.
2. Publishing Hebrew dictionary.
3. Key player in translating Bible.
4. Wrote Utopia. Politics.
5. Translated Bible.
6. Erasmus.

1. Didn't feel forgiven.
2. Germany.
3. Struck by lightning and prayed to St. Anne to be saved.
4. Physically punished his body.
5. Wittenburg.
6. Corruption.
7. Romans 1:17

1. Shortened purgatory wait.
2. Sold indulgences.
3. "As soon as the coin hits the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs."
4. Told church what they were doing wrong.
5. Leo X.
6. Hanno.
7. Wild boar.

1. Meeting in Germany.
2. He could be killed without cause.
3. Fredrick the Wise.
4. Wartburg Castle.
5. Knight George.
6. Musica and sermons.
7. a mighty fortress is our god.

1. Bach and Handal.
2. Katharine von Bora.
3. Spread reformation through switzerland.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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