Thursday, December 10, 2009

Section Review 15.1

1. Many peasants converted to Christianity through Martin Luther's preachings. They hpoed through the Lord, their feudal lords would treat them better. They looked to Luther as the deliver from their oppression. Sooooo, they rebelled.
The nobles crushed the peasants.

2. He gave Lutherans until April 1531 to return to Rome or face a war.
Peace of Augsburg.
Gave official approval to the territorial principle.

3. The counter reformation.
The inquisition and the index.

4. Jesuits.

5. They were completely dedicated to the roman church.

First Portestant confession of faith.
Used to torture and obtain heretics.
went to a shrine of mary and confessed his sins for three days.
where rome made it's strongest stand against the Protestants.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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