Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 13.1 section review

1. England, France, Spain, and Portugal.

2. The Celts.

3. Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.

4. Augustine.

5. Early English people had parts of the Bible in their own language.

6. Alfred.
He compiled the English code of law.

7. Willaim the Conquer.

8. He wanted to increase his own power. He brought Feudalism to England. He claimed leadership over all of England.

9. Influence of language of politics and cultural of England.

10. Henry I.
proposed to end heavy taation to nobles.

England: one of the four great nations.

Scops: wandering poets.

Beowulf: greatest Saxon poem.

Archbishop of Cantebury: most influential church office in England.

Danes: group of vikings.

Danelaw: north eastern portion of England.

London: important town in southeastern Britain.

Canute the dane: became king of England.

Harold Godwin: english nobles made him king.

Norman Conquest: William's win at the Battle of Hastings.

Census: a count of people and the property.

Domesday Book: a book of all of the people and land that they owned so that the king could get all his taxes

oooh BLAH!!!

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