Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter Twelve Study Guide.

feudalism: a way of life based on the ownership and use of land.

held by lord.

permitted vassal to use.

used land in return forces and army services.

knight: heavily armed warriors.

chivalry: code of conduct for nobility and the knights.

heraldry: colorful and unique emblems, symbols and designs displayed on armor, shields, and banners.

castle: fortified dwellings surrounded by a moat and drawbridge.

joust: two knights fought to knock each other off horses.

tournament: mock battle that lasted all day.

manor: Noble's estates.

serf: farmers on the manors.

Truce of God: Church forbade fighting from Friday to Sunday of each week.

Peace of God: priests denied sacraments to "unworthy" people.

burg: traveling merchants.

middle class: Burghers- between nobility and peasants.

trade fair: merchants from all over came to sell their stuff.

guild: consisted of merchants, artisand, and caftsmen.

black death: form of the Bubonic Plague. Infected fleas on the rats spread the disease. Half of Europeans dead.

Chaucer: Wrote the Cantebury Tales; one of England's greatest poets.

trivium: grammar, rhetoric, and logic.

quadrivium: math, music, geometry, and astronomy.

scholasticism: theology[[of Roman Catholic style] and Greek philosophy.

Brethren of the Common Life: Christian groupfounded by Gerhard Groote.

humanism: devotion to or study of the humanities.

patron: peiple who use their own money to support the arts.

Sistine Chapel: painted by Michelangelo.

Medicis: supported Michelangelo.

Thomas Aquinas: lived 1225-1274. Spoke slowly but had a brilliant mind.

William of Ockham: 1285-1349. Educated at Oxford. Thought Bible was ultimate authority.

John Wycliffe: 1320-1384. Morning star of the reformation. Completed the first translation of the Bible into English in 1382.

John Huss: burned at the stake. Followers called Hussites.

Gerhard Groote: organized the brethern of the common life.

Dante: wrote Divine Comedy.

Petrarch: father of humanities.

Bocaccio: wrote the Decameron.

Michelangelo: known for his paintin gof the Sistine Chapel and statues. considered the greatest artist of the Renaissance.

Flanders: a low-lying region located in western Belgium.

Machiavelli: wrote The Prince.

Giotto: inspired by the Bible. Tried to paint realistically. Covered many church wallsin Italy with great paintings.

DaVinci: famous artist of the renaissance. Renaissance man. painter, sculptor, musician, inventor, and engineer.


ooooh BLAH!!!

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