Friday, October 30, 2009



1. the annointed one
5. he demanded to be worshiped and he was the second great persecution
9. fourth great persecution
13. pupil of polycarp.
17. a christian philosopher and theologian from alexandria
21. proclaimed themselves as dominus nostr, they were the 10th and greatest persecution
25. christian apologist of the early church
29. argued for the true diety of Christ at the council of Nicaea
33. under him christianity became the only legal religion


1. Jews gathered here and read old testament scriptures in hebrew
2. non-jews and converts
3. witnesses
4. written by the apostle John, about prophetic visions known as the apocalypse
5. subterranean gallery beneath the city of Rome
6. extended legal protection and recognition to Christians
7. Godly and able men that expounded on scriptures, defended the faith, and championed the cause of Christ
8. those who attempted to reasonably defend christianity against pagan defamations
9. denied the doctrine of the trinity
10. common, vernacular language that the bible was written in by jerome
11. "i believe"
12. apostles creed: developed btwn the 2nd and 5th centuries from the questions asked by the new converts at their baptism....Nicene Creed: rejected the teaching of arianism....Athanasian creed: confession of faith
13. adopted the nicene creed and rejected arianism false doctrine which denied the diety of Christ


4. many false converts flodded christian churches


1. the first great leader of the Byzantium Empire
3. the lovely and inteligent wife of justinian
5. the general responsible for saving constantinople during the 2nd seige
10. they began pouring into asia minor during the 14th century

1. capital of the eastern empire
3. example of Byzantinian architecture, orthodox church

1. portion of the world in which christianity was a dominant religion
3. a byzyntian invention similar to a flame thrower
4. an image destroyer, it was an abstract simplifed image of Christ, mary and the saints that people prayed to Leo 3 wanted the removed

chapter concepts
1.blessed wit ha sound monitary system, a flourising trade with Persia and the Orient, a strong navy, principles of law and order, and elements of morality and virtue among her people. These characteristics helped her survive the fall of the western empire and endure thruout the middle ages. They were righteous people so they prosperd

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Section reviews 9.2 and 9.3

!. Tertullian.
@. Paul: Beheaded.
Peter: crucified upside down.
#. Domitian.
They refused to pray to him.
$. Vast, subterranean galleries beneath the city or Rome.
Christians hid in them.
%. Under Trajan.
^. Justin Martyr and Blandina.
&. Septimus Severus.
*. Valerian andAurelian.
(. He ordered a systematic search and many biblical manuscripts were destroyed. Phrygia, an entire city of Christians, was burned. many belivers were thrown to wild animals.
So many people died and so many things destroyed.
!). Edict of Milan.

Martyr: witnesses.
Book of Revelation: a group of the prophetic visions of John.
Polycarp: arrested and martyred.
Maximus Thrax: aged bishop of Smyrna.
Decius: Sixth persecution came with his rule.
Origen: Seventh persecution came with his rule.
Maximian: the Vjristian philosopher.
Galerius: proclaimed toleratioin of Christianity.
Constantine I: extended legal protection and regonition to Christians.

!. Clement of Rome.
Ignatius, Polycarp, and Papias.
@. Aristides, justin Martyr, and Tatian.
#. Iraneus.
Against all Heresies.
$. Tertullian.
%. Origen.
^. Athanasius.
&. Ambrose and John Chrysostom.
*. Augustine.
Confessions and City of God.
(. Apostle's Creed.
Nicene Creed.
Athanasian Creed.
!). A.D. 325
Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon.
!!. Leo III.
False converts flooded churches.
Elders became priests who offered blood to the living dead.

Church Fathers: people who defended their faith and the cause of christ.
Apologists: attempted to defend Christianity.
Gnosticism: combined elements of Greek philosophy, Oriental religion, and Christian theology.
Monoarchianism: denied the doctorine of the Trinity.
Creeds:"I believe"
Arianism: denied the deity of Christ.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Morgan - Mariah= :(

Restricted nations refers to nations who are under persecution. Most are in the Middle East.
!. India:border disputes, overpopulation, poverty and economic and religious strife.
@. Saudi Arabia: It is illegal to be anything but Muslim. People are persecuted if they are anything else/
#. Algeria: Ethnic minority Berbers have long been agitating for autonomy, even so activity by extremist militants continue.
$. Mauritania: Freedom of religion is nonexistent.
%. Indonesia: Forces people to carry a card stating the religious beliefs. Muslims recieve preferab;e treatment.
^. Maldines: Muslim is only recognizable, promoted religion.

VOM: Organization that help persecuted churches. They are found in Canada, Costa Rica, United States, Nigeria, Peru, Finland, Sweden , United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, and Czech Republic. We can help by volunteering, tell people about it, give, pray, and train your children. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and Sabina founded it.

1. Religious Persecution in Eritrea

Popular religions are accepted while minor religions are not. Being apart of them will result in persecution by various human right groups. The government forced individual relgions to fill out forms that told everything about them. They had to do that in order to worship.

2. World: Asia Minor Denies Acts on religious persecution
People of the Naga ethnicity claimed to have been persecuted for their religion. The military officials straight deny it.

3. Musicians seeking sanctuary
Musicians are being thrown out of their home countries for their choice of musical religion.

4. State Department Praises People for Progress in religious Freedom
While America and Germany are reported to have mass murders, Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt are making a step forward to religious freedom.

5. Religious Freedom Panel Raises Alarms on Islamic Extremeties,2933,192908,00.html
A U.S. goverment panel of religious freedom is raising their awarness on religious freedom in Pakistan. Islamic extremeties and non Muslim rights have startled them.


The internet is helping to raise awareness about religious persecution. It is helping to get the word out and people understand what it is.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


ooooh BLAH!!!

section review numero uno

uno: in the midst of the pax romana, it was the precise time to send Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners....God's plan of salvation required a world prepared for the arrival of Gods only begotten son.

dos: Herod the great

tres: the12 apostles

quatro: by a.d. 100

cinco: many heathen people were won to christ by the sterlingtestimony and genuine love of the early christians


Synagaouge- local place of worship for jews
gentiles- non-jews
Messiah-annointed one of God
church-local assemblies and bodies of believers

ooooh BLAH!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapta eight section review uno y dos.
1. The Latins.

2. Etruscans, Greeks, Carthagenians, Gauls.
Etruscans and Greeks.

Piety, gravity, and dignity.
Writing, arethmetic, and virtues.

4. They had similar gods.

5. 509 B.C.
Ruled by kings.
Nobles of Rome.

6. Electorate[[all citizens eligle to vote]] and consuls[[make laws, forbid laws]].

7. They had an official Plebeain assembly.
Concilium plebis.

8. Twelve tables.

-Rome: Ruler of Mediteranean basin of the ancient times.
-Forum: common marketplace and meeting place.
-Jupiter: the chief of gods.
-Partricians: upper class.
-Plebeians: everyone else.
-Centuries: Military units.
-Republic: interest of the people.
-Electorate: all people can vote.
-Veto: forbid.
-Concilium plebis: pleb assembly.
-Twelve Tables: the law.

1. Roman victory.

2. Hannibal.
Battle of Cannae.

3. Scipio.
Rome won.

4. Roman allys were attacked so Rome joined in.
Rome won again.

5. 133 B.C.

6. People demanded economic, political, and social reforms.

7. Marius and Sulla.
Each sides pledged to their leaders.

8. Caesar, Marius, Crassus.
The senate became afraid of Caesar's growing power and
they wanted to over throw him.
Caesar conquered in Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor, and Spain.

9. Julian Calender.
March 15, 44 B.C.

10. Mark Anthony[[<3]], Octavian, and Lapidus.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 7 Reviews 2 and 3


1. monarchy.....elders and the assembly
2. aristocracy-rule by the best...oligarchy- rule by the few...monarchy-aristocracy-oligarchy-tyrrany-democracy...
3. rule by many or common people...only citizens could participate....women, slaves and men born outside of the city-state couldn't vote.
4. the ruling class made an oligarchy and only they could participate in government...boys began their military training at the age of 7...girls were subject to strenuous athletic training...they made no great contributions to world history because they had extensive governmental regimentation.
5.draco's laws were merciless and were said to have been written in blood and every offense was punishable by death....solon's law repealed the harsh edicts of draco, relieved debtors, and redeemed many slaves
6. pericles-he brought athenian democracy to the fullest...was an aristocrat who dominated athens, while he was ruling the name of the period was "the golden age of greece"
7.Delian league was made because the greek cities expected more trouble from the persians, it eventually became an athenian empire.
8. greece was split in side was oligarchy the other was democracy...consequences of the war were thebes delivered a defeat to sparta and the greek city-states once again became independant.

helos- spartan society classes
peloponesian league- an alliance with corinth, Negara, and other cities in Peloppenesus
Court of areopagus-met on a hill
Peisistratus-a nobleman aspiring to office
Clienthenes-merged as the new champion of the common people
ostracism-citizens could vote to banish any person believed to be dangerous to the state
representative democracy- the citizens select a few men who represnt them in government
direct democracy- the citizens made the big decisions of gov. directly themselves not thru reps.


1. phillip II, founded hellenic league, he wanted the members to contain a considerable degree of self gov.
2. 334 bc
3. alexander crossed the hellespont to begin his conquest, him and his army were to help construct engines of war and to plan strategy and tactics, after defeating the persian forces he quickly subdued seria, palistine, and egypt...although alexander he dominated the entire eastern meditterranean he couldn't resist the lure of further conquest...and after a long and difficult journey, he finally reached babylon...after drinking to muchhe died of a fever or possibly poisen
4.the spread of greek culture...this was very important
5. antigonids, ptolomies, and selucids

macedonia-on the northern fringes of ancient greece
demosthenes- famous athenian speaker and statesman
alexander the great- phillipII son who was soon the macedonian throne
alexandria-16 greek cities named after alexander the great
ipsus-divided the empire among 4 generals who declared themselves king

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ancient Greece without Mariah T_T

Family Life;;The husband in Greek homes was the head of the household, but the wife ran the household and supervised the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the weddings for their children. Girls got married in their mid-teens and men got married in their 30’s.

Clothing;;They used goat and sheep for wool. They wore belted garments of wool and leather. Men's clothing went to their knees and women to their ankles. The main footwear was sandals.

Food;;Ancient Greeks mainly ate olives, cereal, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also used goats for milk, and sheep for meat. They ate fish which came from the surrounding oceans. The Greeks ate wheat, and barley.

Entertainment;;People in Greece had a remarkable veneration for their gods and goddesses. As a result, most ancient Greek entertainment focused on the deities and, in particular, praising them. This was accomplished through a bevy of religious festivals held throughout the year. In truth, there is a bit of a question as to whether these festivals were more for political aims than entertainment and worship. Given this fact, we will leave it at that.

Military;;Ancient Greeks invented the use of technology in warfare. It is the base of military superiority of the civilization of the West. The first such invention was the Phalanx which was used against the Persians. The Athenians produced very fast triremes. The Greeks in Sicily developed the first advanced catapults. In the period of Alexander the Great colossal siege engines were produced. Alexander introduced an army that could move very fast (even today very important) a fact which requires an organization and planning. The Greek Ptolemaic kings of Egypt produced very large ships. The wars of the Diadochi for the control of the territory conquered by Alexander the Great continued for many years. The Romans very fast acquired the Greek military technology and developed the most organized military system the world ever has seen. The small city states of Greece were intergrated in an Empire that could afford the loss of many thousands of soldiers in a battle or in catastrophical events. Pyrrhus of Epirus experienced this fact. Approximately 400000 Roman soldiers died in the Carthaginian war. Around 100000 Romans died in a storm off Cape Pachynus in 255 BC which destroyed a Roman fleet.

Social Life;;I guess they just talked to eachother and what not. I don't know because i can't find anything. I mean, I looked it up on BING! and they just had these things that said "Homosexuals in Ancient Greece." That's just stuff that I don't care to know.

Education;;Many children wanted to go to school but couldn’t go. Only those children of citizens could participate in school. The majority of the people who attended school were boys. Not many girls received education. In Athens, subjects were taught at different schools. There was one for general studies, one for music, and one for physical education. In general studies, reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught. In music, students learned how to play avols or a lyre. In physical education they ran, jumped, and wrestled . Education in Sparta was much different. They wanted to have strong war like boys and many boys the age of seven were sent to military camps or schools. Higher education consisted of law, philosophy , and medicine.

ooooh BLAH!!!