Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapta eight section review uno y dos.
1. The Latins.

2. Etruscans, Greeks, Carthagenians, Gauls.
Etruscans and Greeks.

Piety, gravity, and dignity.
Writing, arethmetic, and virtues.

4. They had similar gods.

5. 509 B.C.
Ruled by kings.
Nobles of Rome.

6. Electorate[[all citizens eligle to vote]] and consuls[[make laws, forbid laws]].

7. They had an official Plebeain assembly.
Concilium plebis.

8. Twelve tables.

-Rome: Ruler of Mediteranean basin of the ancient times.
-Forum: common marketplace and meeting place.
-Jupiter: the chief of gods.
-Partricians: upper class.
-Plebeians: everyone else.
-Centuries: Military units.
-Republic: interest of the people.
-Electorate: all people can vote.
-Veto: forbid.
-Concilium plebis: pleb assembly.
-Twelve Tables: the law.

1. Roman victory.

2. Hannibal.
Battle of Cannae.

3. Scipio.
Rome won.

4. Roman allys were attacked so Rome joined in.
Rome won again.

5. 133 B.C.

6. People demanded economic, political, and social reforms.

7. Marius and Sulla.
Each sides pledged to their leaders.

8. Caesar, Marius, Crassus.
The senate became afraid of Caesar's growing power and
they wanted to over throw him.
Caesar conquered in Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor, and Spain.

9. Julian Calender.
March 15, 44 B.C.

10. Mark Anthony[[<3]], Octavian, and Lapidus.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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