Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 7 Reviews 2 and 3


1. monarchy.....elders and the assembly
2. aristocracy-rule by the best...oligarchy- rule by the few...monarchy-aristocracy-oligarchy-tyrrany-democracy...
3. rule by many or common people...only citizens could participate....women, slaves and men born outside of the city-state couldn't vote.
4. the ruling class made an oligarchy and only they could participate in government...boys began their military training at the age of 7...girls were subject to strenuous athletic training...they made no great contributions to world history because they had extensive governmental regimentation.
5.draco's laws were merciless and were said to have been written in blood and every offense was punishable by death....solon's law repealed the harsh edicts of draco, relieved debtors, and redeemed many slaves
6. pericles-he brought athenian democracy to the fullest...was an aristocrat who dominated athens, while he was ruling the name of the period was "the golden age of greece"
7.Delian league was made because the greek cities expected more trouble from the persians, it eventually became an athenian empire.
8. greece was split in side was oligarchy the other was democracy...consequences of the war were thebes delivered a defeat to sparta and the greek city-states once again became independant.

helos- spartan society classes
peloponesian league- an alliance with corinth, Negara, and other cities in Peloppenesus
Court of areopagus-met on a hill
Peisistratus-a nobleman aspiring to office
Clienthenes-merged as the new champion of the common people
ostracism-citizens could vote to banish any person believed to be dangerous to the state
representative democracy- the citizens select a few men who represnt them in government
direct democracy- the citizens made the big decisions of gov. directly themselves not thru reps.


1. phillip II, founded hellenic league, he wanted the members to contain a considerable degree of self gov.
2. 334 bc
3. alexander crossed the hellespont to begin his conquest, him and his army were to help construct engines of war and to plan strategy and tactics, after defeating the persian forces he quickly subdued seria, palistine, and egypt...although alexander he dominated the entire eastern meditterranean he couldn't resist the lure of further conquest...and after a long and difficult journey, he finally reached babylon...after drinking to muchhe died of a fever or possibly poisen
4.the spread of greek culture...this was very important
5. antigonids, ptolomies, and selucids

macedonia-on the northern fringes of ancient greece
demosthenes- famous athenian speaker and statesman
alexander the great- phillipII son who was soon the macedonian throne
alexandria-16 greek cities named after alexander the great
ipsus-divided the empire among 4 generals who declared themselves king

ooooh BLAH!!!

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