Monday, October 26, 2009

Morgan - Mariah= :(

Restricted nations refers to nations who are under persecution. Most are in the Middle East.
!. India:border disputes, overpopulation, poverty and economic and religious strife.
@. Saudi Arabia: It is illegal to be anything but Muslim. People are persecuted if they are anything else/
#. Algeria: Ethnic minority Berbers have long been agitating for autonomy, even so activity by extremist militants continue.
$. Mauritania: Freedom of religion is nonexistent.
%. Indonesia: Forces people to carry a card stating the religious beliefs. Muslims recieve preferab;e treatment.
^. Maldines: Muslim is only recognizable, promoted religion.

VOM: Organization that help persecuted churches. They are found in Canada, Costa Rica, United States, Nigeria, Peru, Finland, Sweden , United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, and Czech Republic. We can help by volunteering, tell people about it, give, pray, and train your children. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and Sabina founded it.

1. Religious Persecution in Eritrea

Popular religions are accepted while minor religions are not. Being apart of them will result in persecution by various human right groups. The government forced individual relgions to fill out forms that told everything about them. They had to do that in order to worship.

2. World: Asia Minor Denies Acts on religious persecution
People of the Naga ethnicity claimed to have been persecuted for their religion. The military officials straight deny it.

3. Musicians seeking sanctuary
Musicians are being thrown out of their home countries for their choice of musical religion.

4. State Department Praises People for Progress in religious Freedom
While America and Germany are reported to have mass murders, Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt are making a step forward to religious freedom.

5. Religious Freedom Panel Raises Alarms on Islamic Extremeties,2933,192908,00.html
A U.S. goverment panel of religious freedom is raising their awarness on religious freedom in Pakistan. Islamic extremeties and non Muslim rights have startled them.


The internet is helping to raise awareness about religious persecution. It is helping to get the word out and people understand what it is.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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