Friday, October 30, 2009



1. the annointed one
5. he demanded to be worshiped and he was the second great persecution
9. fourth great persecution
13. pupil of polycarp.
17. a christian philosopher and theologian from alexandria
21. proclaimed themselves as dominus nostr, they were the 10th and greatest persecution
25. christian apologist of the early church
29. argued for the true diety of Christ at the council of Nicaea
33. under him christianity became the only legal religion


1. Jews gathered here and read old testament scriptures in hebrew
2. non-jews and converts
3. witnesses
4. written by the apostle John, about prophetic visions known as the apocalypse
5. subterranean gallery beneath the city of Rome
6. extended legal protection and recognition to Christians
7. Godly and able men that expounded on scriptures, defended the faith, and championed the cause of Christ
8. those who attempted to reasonably defend christianity against pagan defamations
9. denied the doctrine of the trinity
10. common, vernacular language that the bible was written in by jerome
11. "i believe"
12. apostles creed: developed btwn the 2nd and 5th centuries from the questions asked by the new converts at their baptism....Nicene Creed: rejected the teaching of arianism....Athanasian creed: confession of faith
13. adopted the nicene creed and rejected arianism false doctrine which denied the diety of Christ


4. many false converts flodded christian churches


1. the first great leader of the Byzantium Empire
3. the lovely and inteligent wife of justinian
5. the general responsible for saving constantinople during the 2nd seige
10. they began pouring into asia minor during the 14th century

1. capital of the eastern empire
3. example of Byzantinian architecture, orthodox church

1. portion of the world in which christianity was a dominant religion
3. a byzyntian invention similar to a flame thrower
4. an image destroyer, it was an abstract simplifed image of Christ, mary and the saints that people prayed to Leo 3 wanted the removed

chapter concepts
1.blessed wit ha sound monitary system, a flourising trade with Persia and the Orient, a strong navy, principles of law and order, and elements of morality and virtue among her people. These characteristics helped her survive the fall of the western empire and endure thruout the middle ages. They were righteous people so they prosperd

ooooh BLAH!!!

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