Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ancient Greece without Mariah T_T

Family Life;;The husband in Greek homes was the head of the household, but the wife ran the household and supervised the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the weddings for their children. Girls got married in their mid-teens and men got married in their 30’s.

Clothing;;They used goat and sheep for wool. They wore belted garments of wool and leather. Men's clothing went to their knees and women to their ankles. The main footwear was sandals.

Food;;Ancient Greeks mainly ate olives, cereal, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also used goats for milk, and sheep for meat. They ate fish which came from the surrounding oceans. The Greeks ate wheat, and barley.

Entertainment;;People in Greece had a remarkable veneration for their gods and goddesses. As a result, most ancient Greek entertainment focused on the deities and, in particular, praising them. This was accomplished through a bevy of religious festivals held throughout the year. In truth, there is a bit of a question as to whether these festivals were more for political aims than entertainment and worship. Given this fact, we will leave it at that.

Military;;Ancient Greeks invented the use of technology in warfare. It is the base of military superiority of the civilization of the West. The first such invention was the Phalanx which was used against the Persians. The Athenians produced very fast triremes. The Greeks in Sicily developed the first advanced catapults. In the period of Alexander the Great colossal siege engines were produced. Alexander introduced an army that could move very fast (even today very important) a fact which requires an organization and planning. The Greek Ptolemaic kings of Egypt produced very large ships. The wars of the Diadochi for the control of the territory conquered by Alexander the Great continued for many years. The Romans very fast acquired the Greek military technology and developed the most organized military system the world ever has seen. The small city states of Greece were intergrated in an Empire that could afford the loss of many thousands of soldiers in a battle or in catastrophical events. Pyrrhus of Epirus experienced this fact. Approximately 400000 Roman soldiers died in the Carthaginian war. Around 100000 Romans died in a storm off Cape Pachynus in 255 BC which destroyed a Roman fleet.

Social Life;;I guess they just talked to eachother and what not. I don't know because i can't find anything. I mean, I looked it up on BING! and they just had these things that said "Homosexuals in Ancient Greece." That's just stuff that I don't care to know.

Education;;Many children wanted to go to school but couldn’t go. Only those children of citizens could participate in school. The majority of the people who attended school were boys. Not many girls received education. In Athens, subjects were taught at different schools. There was one for general studies, one for music, and one for physical education. In general studies, reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught. In music, students learned how to play avols or a lyre. In physical education they ran, jumped, and wrestled . Education in Sparta was much different. They wanted to have strong war like boys and many boys the age of seven were sent to military camps or schools. Higher education consisted of law, philosophy , and medicine.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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