Thursday, October 29, 2009

Section reviews 9.2 and 9.3

!. Tertullian.
@. Paul: Beheaded.
Peter: crucified upside down.
#. Domitian.
They refused to pray to him.
$. Vast, subterranean galleries beneath the city or Rome.
Christians hid in them.
%. Under Trajan.
^. Justin Martyr and Blandina.
&. Septimus Severus.
*. Valerian andAurelian.
(. He ordered a systematic search and many biblical manuscripts were destroyed. Phrygia, an entire city of Christians, was burned. many belivers were thrown to wild animals.
So many people died and so many things destroyed.
!). Edict of Milan.

Martyr: witnesses.
Book of Revelation: a group of the prophetic visions of John.
Polycarp: arrested and martyred.
Maximus Thrax: aged bishop of Smyrna.
Decius: Sixth persecution came with his rule.
Origen: Seventh persecution came with his rule.
Maximian: the Vjristian philosopher.
Galerius: proclaimed toleratioin of Christianity.
Constantine I: extended legal protection and regonition to Christians.

!. Clement of Rome.
Ignatius, Polycarp, and Papias.
@. Aristides, justin Martyr, and Tatian.
#. Iraneus.
Against all Heresies.
$. Tertullian.
%. Origen.
^. Athanasius.
&. Ambrose and John Chrysostom.
*. Augustine.
Confessions and City of God.
(. Apostle's Creed.
Nicene Creed.
Athanasian Creed.
!). A.D. 325
Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon.
!!. Leo III.
False converts flooded churches.
Elders became priests who offered blood to the living dead.

Church Fathers: people who defended their faith and the cause of christ.
Apologists: attempted to defend Christianity.
Gnosticism: combined elements of Greek philosophy, Oriental religion, and Christian theology.
Monoarchianism: denied the doctorine of the Trinity.
Creeds:"I believe"
Arianism: denied the deity of Christ.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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