Monday, September 28, 2009

Adventures in Ancient Greeccceeee.

Six correct.

! Between the ages of eighteen and twenty, boys spent two years training to become a Spartan.

@ One hill in Athens is Acropollis. Many temples were built on it.

# The Parthenon is the largest builing on Acropollis.

$ The Pythnx was the voting hill where Greece born citizens raised their hands to vote.

% Girls stayed at home where their mom taught them how to take care of a home and family.

^ People lived in homes under the hill of Acropollis.

& Boys went to school at the age of seven to learn to read, write, and sing.

* The olive tree was supposedly given by Athena, the goddess who protected the city.

! Calling a Spartan a "Trembeler" was horrible! It meant that they were afraid to fight.

@ At the age of seven, Spartan boys were sent to military camp.

# After battle, the Spartans would hang their weapons in trees to thank the gods for victory.

$ At the age of twenty, you had to join the army.

% Spartan girls didn't go to school or join the army. They had to stay fit to have healthy babies though.

^ babies were taken from there mothers to be checked....weak babies were left to die because spartan babies had to be fit

& spartan boys were kept hungry..and often had to steal to eat...this taught them to be sneaky...a useful skill in battle

* sparta was surrounded by from invaders

Mt. Olympus;;

! hera was the wife of Zues...goddes of marriage and women

@ Ares was the god of war

# Zues god of weather and the ruler of the gods

$ demeter goddes of grain and fertility

% artemis goddes of moon, hunting and children

^ hephaistos god of blacksmiths and fire

! god of travel and theives

@ apollo god of the sun, music, and truth

# aphrodite goddess of love and beauty

$ dionysius god of wine and theatre

% posiden god of the sea and earthquakes

& Athena goddes of war, wisdom and arts

ooooh BLAH!!!

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