Thursday, September 17, 2009


Sahara Desert: world's largest desert
Nile: worlds Longest river
Egypt: in the northeast corner pf Africa called "the seedbed of civilization"
Mizraim: egypt's ancient name, also name of Ham's calls egypt the land of ham
Nomes: small states in egypt
Pharoahs: strong rulers who divided the nomes into lower and upper egypt
Menes: the very 1st pharoah of a united egypt "Kingdom of the 2 lands"
"the gift of the nile": heordotus called egypt this
Heiroglyphics: egyptian form o writing contains over 700 charachters
Book of the dead: most important egyptian work....thought to guide souls thru the after life
Memphis: 12 miles south of Cairo...known as Noph in the bible.....
Thebes: 450 miles south of Cairo...nothing remains but a vast necropolis (city of the dead)
Pyramid:best symbolizes egypts government...and these were tombs too.
Monarchy/theocracy: egypt's government dominated by the god-king pharoah
Humanism:worshiped me
Polytheism: worshiped many gods
natralism: worshiped nature

Egyptian tombs: early phraoah built large stone pyramids to serve as their tomb or house of store their mortal remains
Great pyramid of cheops: one of the wonders of the ancient world....took 100,000 workers 20 years to build this thang
King tut: teenage phraoah...died @ 18....tomb was filled with exquisite treasutre
mumification: the process of preserving dead bodies
30Dynasties: ancient egypt was divided into these
Old kingdom: dynasties 3-6.....important monarchs...cheops,khafre,and menkaure
Pyramids @ Giza: built by cheops, khafre, and menkaure
Great sphinx: built in the likeness of Khafre and has head of man and body of a lion
middle kingdom: 11th dynasty........king Mentuhotep I.....established capital at thebes
Hyksos: asiatic warriors who conquered the middle kingdom...they had chariots and horses
Ahmose I: king of the new kingdom....drove hyksos out of egypt.
New kingdom: 18-20 dynasty
Hatshepshut: only female pharoah...may have been moses mom
Amenhotep I: thutmose III son.....he may have bee n pharoah during the exodus
Later new kindom: Rameses II
Rameses II: most outstanding egyptian monarch
Alexander the great:the young macedonian king who took after his father.....crossed the Hellespont 334.....wanted to create a world empire for himself

Alexandria: 16 greekl cities that alexander named for himself
Lighthouse of Alexadria: one of the wonders of the ancient world 440 feet high marble tower...with a fire burning pitch and a giant reflective mirror the lighthouse could cast its light 35 miles across the sea!!!

ooooh BLAH!!!

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