Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 4 section Review

1. Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Huang Ho....Indus Valley civilization
2. 1/3 of earth's land area....3 1/2 Billion people.....60% of earth's population
3. Himalayan Mountains, Northern Plains, Deccan Plateau....
4. Religion-which is Hinduism....Social arrangement- Caste System
5. Mauryas.
6. Siddartha Guatama, buddhism still survives in china today.
7. Guptas
8.Mogul Empire
9. British East India Trading Company
10. Adoniram Judson
11. New trade partners
12. Mahatma Ghandi, Nehru
13. Indira Ghandi and Rajiv Ghandi
14. The Gupta Dynasty contributed great advances in art, literature, and math.

Mount Everest-Highest place on earth
Dead sea- lowest place on earth
Indus Valley Civilization-first indian civilization to settle on the indus River
Aryans-Barbaric people invaded india
Dravidians- indegenous people
Asoka-Maurya Empires greatest ruler
Tahj Mahal-means best of buildings
Pakistan- west pakistan becam known qas this
Bangladesh- used to be east pakistan
Hindustani-the official language of modern pakistan
Sepoy Rebellion- 1857 native indian troops revolted against britain
Adoniram Judson- father of American missions

ooooh BLAH!!! WE DONE

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