Thursday, September 3, 2009

World EEEEEEEEEEExploration & Photo Analysis Chaallenge.

World Exploration:

It took a long time to load. The little woman gave me the creepies. I didn't get a score. I didn't do that great. I only got like two or three on the first try. It took my three or four or five times to get the other answers. I only got one true or false question right. Oh well.

this game was PHENOMONAL!! i lurvedd ittt...i almost cried cuz i liked it sooo much!! it is very challenging and makes u think. but i cheated for half of the questions becaus i went to google and looked up the answers but yoo kno how that goes....n e hoo!!! GREAT FUNN!!

Photo Analysis Challenge:

i aint even like dis game cuz i cant see that well....just playin but it was aight but it didnt tell you if you found all the pictures are not

This game was aiigghht. It didn't have anything to do with history so it was almost fun. Not quite, but almost. The only thing i had to do was click the differences soooo yeaahhh.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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