Sunday, September 27, 2009

essay questions:
When Africa was ruled by Europeans there were only 2 free nations in Africa....this was a time of great progress.

Africa's most pressing needs now are the gospel, food ,shelter, education, and a stable civil government.

key terms:

Africa's Landscape
deserts-over 2/5 of africa is deserts...sahara is in n. africa......kalihari is in s. africa
savanna-land characterized by wet and dry seasons coverd by grasses and shrubs
mountains-africa's longest mountain range is the atlas mountain's tallest mountain is mt. kilimanjaro
nile river-longest river
lake victoria-africa's largest lake
great rift valley- largest rift in the world

Africa's History
africa's history began shortly after the flood...
ebed melech-helped jerimiah in prison
unnamed ethiopian eunuch-most famous cushite in history....phillip led him to Christ....1st african on record to become a Christian
edesius and frumentius- taken to ethiopia as slaves after they were shipwrecked...frumentius was the 1st bishop of ethiopian christian church....they are credited with bringing christianity to africa

Early Christianity in Africa
Alexandria,Egypt; Cyrene, Libya; Carthage, Tunisia......influental cities in christianity
Simon of Cyrene-helped carry Jesus' cross
Clement of alexandria- wrote the oldest surviving christian hymn which is sheperd of tender youth

African Trade
sea trade-africans traded iron, ivory and gold....for porcelain, precious stones, and silk with asians
inland trade- btwn 300 and 1200 ad Ghana traded gold, ivory, and slaves for salt copper and dried fruit from arabs
mali empire-lasted from 1200- 1500 ad modern day Guinea, Mali, and Senegal
Timbuktu- important trading center for mali empire famous center for learning and culture
songhai empire- dominated west africa in 1500's monopolized trade across the sahara

Exploration and Missions
africa was often referred to as the white man's grave because of the various conditions and diseases.....intense heat,malaria,sleeping sickness, and yellow fever.
Mungo Park-explored africa from 1805-1806 traced most of the Niger river.
Hugh Clapperton-explored africa from 1822-1824...1st european to cross the sahara desert
Alexander Liang- explored africa fro 1825-1826 1st european to reach Timbuktu
Robert Moffat- one of the 1st missionaries to africa....said "I can see the the smoke of 1000 villages where the name of Christ has never been heard"
David Livingstone- wen to Moffat's call for more missionaries.....1st European to see Victoria Falls

Africa in Modern Times
European rule-by ww1 only 2 countries were free....however this was a time of great progress
Progress...... in law and order, schools were founded, roads and railroads, hospitals, and new cities.
1950's -1960's-a move toward independance from european rule, began with Ghana 1957
General Idid Amin- seized power in Uganda ruled until 1979, devout muslin, killed and tortured as many as 300,00 people.

ooooh BLAH!!!

1 comment:

  1. You leave out the millions upon millions of Africans who were killed by European Christians....
