Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 5.3 review and identify.

1. into thirty dynasties.

2. Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure.

3. King Mentuhotep I.
Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt.

4. Ahmose.
They were like the Hyksos.

5. Hatshepsut.

6. Because Egypt restablished it's empire in Asia during this period.
Thutmose III.
His successor may have been pharoah during the Hebrew exodus.

7. Basically, he decided to advance Egypt at any cost. He made Egypt join with Syria. He attempted to destory Israel...and the rest is history.

8. Anwar el-Sadat.
negotiated with Israel's prime minister.

-Giza: where the three largest pyramids are.

-Great Sphinx: head of a man, body of a lion, bears the likeness of Khafre.

-Twelfth Dynasty: the kings established their capital at Thebes.

-Hyskos: Asiatic warriors.

-Ramses II: the most outstanding monarch.

-Alexandria: the most important city in Alexander's empire.

-Septuagint: the old testament was translated to Greek.

-Ptolemy: Alexander's general who gained control of Egypt.

-Cairo: became the center of Egyptian life and the center of the Arab world.

-Suez Canal: completed by French engineers and British officials.

-Hosni Mubarak: took over after Sadat.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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