Friday, September 4, 2009

The nasty Sumo people

a. What is SUMO?
Two fat people who wear mawashi's and look at eachother and
try to push people and stuff.

b. How do wrestlers win at SUMO?
One of the wrestlers is forced out of the ring and then
the referee calls the winner.

c. When did SUMO start?
In 710.

d. What's a day in the life of a SUMO wrestler like?

When they are young, they live in a stable. A stable is conducted by an old wrestler who was good at in his prime. They wake up early and train hard to move up to the next rank. Their day starts at about five in the morning. At eight, they go eat. They eat again and eleven. And then again at six. And once more at ten thirty.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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