Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Japanese Gameeess.

What's In the Photo;;
Morgan- I only got five correct. It made me guess what the blurry Japanese images were used for. The red booksack thingy was really cute...

Mariah-i got 3 out of 10 correct. ive never seen any of those things so my guess was way off

Gesture Game;;
Mariah- 4/4 Chinese gestures are much different than american gestures. When the boy was pointing to his nose i thought he was just pointing to his nose but that is actually the gesture for ME. but in america we would probaly just point to our chest.

Morgan- 2/4. It was funny. The little dog peed on the girl. Japanese people are weird.

Hiragana Picture Matching Game;;
Morgan- It's hard. I don't know any of them. Like, I got all of them wrong except tree. Kayla told me which one that was. But it took me like six tries to get all the other ones.

Mariah-i never seeen half of these lil characters in my life and i kept getting the answers worng so i ot mad and i stopped playing because i got 0 right but it had pretty colors!!

Japanese Celebrations;;

Morgan- I got all of them right. it was pretty easy. and kind of boring. there really isn't much to say about that game soooo :).

ooooh BLAH!!!

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