Tuesday, September 15, 2009


A. Thirty centuries.
He was a living god.
You would have to say the name of the dead person and preserve their body.

B.Your dead body is collected and cleaned, then taken to the ‘place of embalming’, called the wabet.
linen- used as bandages.
your body- it is being mummified.
the priest- he acts as the chief embalmer.
natron salt- used to dry out the body.
canopic jars- used to store organs.
tools- used to remove the organs.
oils- smooth skin and make it sweet smelling.

C.Your liver, lungs, stomach and intestines.
Stored them in canpoic jars.

D. The shriveled body is stuffed with various objects to make it look plump.
Mud, onions, chaff, rags, and sawdust.

E. They embalmed it.
Linen, resin, and shrouds.

F. Pictures of the gods and the correct spells painted on them, plenty of hieroglyphs.
A kitty.
Statues and other stuff.

G. There were mourners and priests. Your coffin was on a boat.
The people wore blue clothes and mourned. The priest burn incense and recite poems and what not.

H. They raided the tombs for riches and goods. They broke into the tombs.
they wanted linen because it took so long to make. Glass because is was valuable. Gold jewelry because it was valuable.

This game was very interesting. I didn't know like anything at all. The thing about the organs was really gross and weird. I can't believe it took seventy days to do this process!

This was a very educational game. I didn't know much about the brains that was snottin out the mummies noses and thats kinda nasty...but egyptians were scary cuz they "priest" wore the head of anubis.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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