Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Egytian stufffff.

A. Without the Nile, AEgypt would just be a desert. Only an inch of rain falls there per year.

B. Upper and Lower Egypt.

C. Southern conatains low mountains and deserts.
Northern has wide valleys near the Nile.

D. Cheetahs, hyenas, cobras, and crocodiles.
Wetlands and islands.

E. hippos, leopards, elephants.

F. 3000 B.C.
Eight thousand years ago.

G. 3100 B.C.

H. 31 B.C.
A.D. 640

I. British. Suez Canal. 1952.

J. Muslim.

K. There isn't enough room.

L. Because they can help on farms.

M. Republic.

N. Visitors to the Great Sphinx.

O. Arab Republic of Egypt.

P. Cairo.

Q. 7888007.

R. Egyptian pound.

a boat in water.
[[large ships steam through the Suez Canal in Egypt]]

An old man on a bike in the middle of a crowded street.
[[Shoppers walk through an open air market in Luxor, Egypt]]

A camel with weird looking things on it by pyramids.
[[A camel stands near the Great Pyramids in Giza, Egypt]]

A city with lots of buildings.
[[Crowded Cario, Egypt, has more than 18 million people.]]

People getting water in big vases.
[[Two women fill their jugs with water at the Nile River.]]

The flag.
[[Egyptian flag.]]

-->I wasn't that close.

A. Armored tanks.
Insects and small fish.

B. Bellows and snatches.

C. On the shore of the river, in some sand.

D. About twenty to eighty.
She does watch them.

E. They send out high pitched sounds.

F. The water.

G. By basking in the sun.

H. Crocidylus niloticus.
twenty feet.

I. Eighty years.
Webbed feet.

J. The nile.

K. Aligators have a round face and crocodiles have a triangular.

L. To propel through the water.

M. Schools of fish.

N. Baboons, hyenas, wildebeast, and impala.

O. They are highly developed.

P. They help grind the food.

ooooh BLAH!!!

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