Friday, September 11, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review and identify

1. Africa....Sahara....Nile....
2. meditteranean sea to the north, Sahara to the west, red sea to the east
3. Mizraim....
4. because it is basically the root of all african cultures.
5.Upper and lower egypt....lower egypt was toward the delta of the nile and upper egypt was facing toward the bottom of africa. Menes united these states.
6. Sahara desert
7. egypt was the greatest and most magnificent power of the ancient world.
8. without the floodwaters and the fertile soil deposited by the nile each year, egypt would be a wasteland.
9.champoilion deciphered heiroglyphics....A stone was found that consisted of one message carved into thress different languages, heiroglyphics, demotic, and greek.
10. Memphis and Thebes
11.the pyramid...because the slaves were at the bottom, nobility and leaders were in the middle and the pharoah was on top, with supreme rule over all.
12. Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife. they even burried wives and slaves with nobility because they thought that they woyld be helpful in the next life...

Isthmus of Suez: a strip of land that once connected africa to asia
Copts:ancient egyptian people
nomes: small states in egypt
Nile Delta: where the nile dumps into the meditteranean sea
heiroglyphics: egyptian form of writing
Book of the dead: a book of spells and prayers burried with people
necropolis:dead cityy

ooooh BLAH!!!

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