Monday, December 14, 2009

Midterm Review!

Chapter 1 & 2 Test
Multiple Choice
1. history
3. Before Christ
4. Anno Domini
5. Three eras of history
7. Tigris and Esuphrates
10. Civilization

1. culture
4. monotheism
5. polytheism
10. postdeluvian

2. ancient- 4000BC to 5000BC
medieval- 5000AD to 1500AD
modern- 15000AD to present

Chapter 3 & 4 Test
Multiple Choice
1. Mt. Everest
2. Dead Sea
4. Caste
10. India
14. Decalogue
15. Mt. Horeb
16. Mecca

10. arcipelago
Short Answer
2.38th parallel
12.Marco Polo
13. The Chi'n dynasty
14.the great wall of china
28. pyong yang
29. seoul

Chapter 5 Test
Multiple Choice
3.northeast corner of Africa
10. heiroglyphics
6.king tut
7 .mummification

Chapter 6 Test
Multiple Choice
1.because it was unexplored
2.polar ice caps
3.2 fifths
5. Sahara
9.Lake Victoria
1.Wbwd- Melech
4.Simon Cyrene
5 .Clement of Alexandria
Short Answer

Chapter 7 Test
Multiple Choice
1. black/aegean
2. corinth
4. Homer
5. The illiad
6.The odyssey
7. Zeus
8. Apollo
11. Ares
13. polis
14 . Acropolis

Chapter 8 Test
Multiple Choice
2.Warm mediterranean
3. alps
5.753 ad
14 .pedagouge
15 .Roman senate
5 .triumvirate
Short Answer
1.Roman peace
2.caesar agustus
7.mount vesuvius

Chapter 12
multiple choice
7.william ockham
4.burghers death
9.Leonardo da vinci
1.peice of land held by one man taht belonged to nobles
15.famous painting by leonardo da vinci

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Post Reformation Europe pictassss.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Protestant Reformation Pictassss.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Section Review 15.1

1. Many peasants converted to Christianity through Martin Luther's preachings. They hpoed through the Lord, their feudal lords would treat them better. They looked to Luther as the deliver from their oppression. Sooooo, they rebelled.
The nobles crushed the peasants.

2. He gave Lutherans until April 1531 to return to Rome or face a war.
Peace of Augsburg.
Gave official approval to the territorial principle.

3. The counter reformation.
The inquisition and the index.

4. Jesuits.

5. They were completely dedicated to the roman church.

First Portestant confession of faith.
Used to torture and obtain heretics.
went to a shrine of mary and confessed his sins for three days.
where rome made it's strongest stand against the Protestants.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chapter 14 Study Guide!

1. Northern Europe. Rebirth of learning.
2. Publishing Hebrew dictionary.
3. Key player in translating Bible.
4. Wrote Utopia. Politics.
5. Translated Bible.
6. Erasmus.

1. Didn't feel forgiven.
2. Germany.
3. Struck by lightning and prayed to St. Anne to be saved.
4. Physically punished his body.
5. Wittenburg.
6. Corruption.
7. Romans 1:17

1. Shortened purgatory wait.
2. Sold indulgences.
3. "As soon as the coin hits the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs."
4. Told church what they were doing wrong.
5. Leo X.
6. Hanno.
7. Wild boar.

1. Meeting in Germany.
2. He could be killed without cause.
3. Fredrick the Wise.
4. Wartburg Castle.
5. Knight George.
6. Musica and sermons.
7. a mighty fortress is our god.

1. Bach and Handal.
2. Katharine von Bora.
3. Spread reformation through switzerland.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Chapter Thirteen Online Test.

1. Celts: Earliest inhabitants and Ancient Britain.
2. Jutes, Angles, Saxons: conquered celts around 5th century.
5. Alfred the Great: first great king of England.
8. Harold Godwin: English nobles made him very powerful.
9. Wiliam the Conqueror: got his name after the Battle of Hastings.
19. Joan of Arc: peasant girl who claimed she heard from God.
25. Hugh Capet: his corination began the Capetian line of French kings and of french nation.
26. Louis VI: strenghtened kings power in the ile-de-france.
28. Louis IX: one of frances most memorable kings.
30. Boniface VIII: the pope.
33. Ferdinand and Isabella: prince who married the princess and then united the two kingdoms.
39. Marco Polo: son of Italian Merchant.
42. Christopher Columbus: italian born adventurer who planned a voyage to the west indies.

Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles? celts

What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War? 1337-1453

Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century? Anglo-saxons

Which name did the Romans give to Spain? hispana

These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain: Moor

What does “reconquista” mean? spanish waged a crusade, to take spain back from the moor

Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages. england,france,spain, and

What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic
worship site? stonehenge

Which Germanic tribe named England? anglo-saxon

Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him) caedmon

Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD? hugh capet

Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after? louis 6

What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out) 1st-clergy 2nd-nobles 3rd

Which peninsula is Spain located on? iberian peninsula

Name 3 Germanic tribes. angles,saxons,and jutes

Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won? england and france, france

ooooh BLAH!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chapter 13.1 section review

1. England, France, Spain, and Portugal.

2. The Celts.

3. Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.

4. Augustine.

5. Early English people had parts of the Bible in their own language.

6. Alfred.
He compiled the English code of law.

7. Willaim the Conquer.

8. He wanted to increase his own power. He brought Feudalism to England. He claimed leadership over all of England.

9. Influence of language of politics and cultural of England.

10. Henry I.
proposed to end heavy taation to nobles.

England: one of the four great nations.

Scops: wandering poets.

Beowulf: greatest Saxon poem.

Archbishop of Cantebury: most influential church office in England.

Danes: group of vikings.

Danelaw: north eastern portion of England.

London: important town in southeastern Britain.

Canute the dane: became king of England.

Harold Godwin: english nobles made him king.

Norman Conquest: William's win at the Battle of Hastings.

Census: a count of people and the property.

Domesday Book: a book of all of the people and land that they owned so that the king could get all his taxes

oooh BLAH!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter Twelve Study Guide.

feudalism: a way of life based on the ownership and use of land.

held by lord.

permitted vassal to use.

used land in return forces and army services.

knight: heavily armed warriors.

chivalry: code of conduct for nobility and the knights.

heraldry: colorful and unique emblems, symbols and designs displayed on armor, shields, and banners.

castle: fortified dwellings surrounded by a moat and drawbridge.

joust: two knights fought to knock each other off horses.

tournament: mock battle that lasted all day.

manor: Noble's estates.

serf: farmers on the manors.

Truce of God: Church forbade fighting from Friday to Sunday of each week.

Peace of God: priests denied sacraments to "unworthy" people.

burg: traveling merchants.

middle class: Burghers- between nobility and peasants.

trade fair: merchants from all over came to sell their stuff.

guild: consisted of merchants, artisand, and caftsmen.

black death: form of the Bubonic Plague. Infected fleas on the rats spread the disease. Half of Europeans dead.

Chaucer: Wrote the Cantebury Tales; one of England's greatest poets.

trivium: grammar, rhetoric, and logic.

quadrivium: math, music, geometry, and astronomy.

scholasticism: theology[[of Roman Catholic style] and Greek philosophy.

Brethren of the Common Life: Christian groupfounded by Gerhard Groote.

humanism: devotion to or study of the humanities.

patron: peiple who use their own money to support the arts.

Sistine Chapel: painted by Michelangelo.

Medicis: supported Michelangelo.

Thomas Aquinas: lived 1225-1274. Spoke slowly but had a brilliant mind.

William of Ockham: 1285-1349. Educated at Oxford. Thought Bible was ultimate authority.

John Wycliffe: 1320-1384. Morning star of the reformation. Completed the first translation of the Bible into English in 1382.

John Huss: burned at the stake. Followers called Hussites.

Gerhard Groote: organized the brethern of the common life.

Dante: wrote Divine Comedy.

Petrarch: father of humanities.

Bocaccio: wrote the Decameron.

Michelangelo: known for his paintin gof the Sistine Chapel and statues. considered the greatest artist of the Renaissance.

Flanders: a low-lying region located in western Belgium.

Machiavelli: wrote The Prince.

Giotto: inspired by the Bible. Tried to paint realistically. Covered many church wallsin Italy with great paintings.

DaVinci: famous artist of the renaissance. Renaissance man. painter, sculptor, musician, inventor, and engineer.


ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 12 section review and pictuasss.

1. Way of life based on ownership of land.

2. Lord owned land and vassal served in vassal's army to be able to have the land.

3. Large, had a moat, and a drawbridge.

4. Jousting, tournaments, hunting.

5. They were the poor people and they didn't live in castles.

6. No fighting friday-sunday and no sacraments if you did.
Feudalism: a way of life based upon ownership of land.

King: at the top of fuedal system.

Crown Lands: land used by the king for his personal use.

Knights: heavily armed warriors.

Chivalry: code of conduct for the nobility and knights.

Heraldry: certain, colorful unique symbols.

Manor: estates that belonged to the nobles.

Demense: lord's fields.

Ooooh BLAH!!!

Friday, October 30, 2009



1. the annointed one
5. he demanded to be worshiped and he was the second great persecution
9. fourth great persecution
13. pupil of polycarp.
17. a christian philosopher and theologian from alexandria
21. proclaimed themselves as dominus nostr, they were the 10th and greatest persecution
25. christian apologist of the early church
29. argued for the true diety of Christ at the council of Nicaea
33. under him christianity became the only legal religion


1. Jews gathered here and read old testament scriptures in hebrew
2. non-jews and converts
3. witnesses
4. written by the apostle John, about prophetic visions known as the apocalypse
5. subterranean gallery beneath the city of Rome
6. extended legal protection and recognition to Christians
7. Godly and able men that expounded on scriptures, defended the faith, and championed the cause of Christ
8. those who attempted to reasonably defend christianity against pagan defamations
9. denied the doctrine of the trinity
10. common, vernacular language that the bible was written in by jerome
11. "i believe"
12. apostles creed: developed btwn the 2nd and 5th centuries from the questions asked by the new converts at their baptism....Nicene Creed: rejected the teaching of arianism....Athanasian creed: confession of faith
13. adopted the nicene creed and rejected arianism false doctrine which denied the diety of Christ


4. many false converts flodded christian churches


1. the first great leader of the Byzantium Empire
3. the lovely and inteligent wife of justinian
5. the general responsible for saving constantinople during the 2nd seige
10. they began pouring into asia minor during the 14th century

1. capital of the eastern empire
3. example of Byzantinian architecture, orthodox church

1. portion of the world in which christianity was a dominant religion
3. a byzyntian invention similar to a flame thrower
4. an image destroyer, it was an abstract simplifed image of Christ, mary and the saints that people prayed to Leo 3 wanted the removed

chapter concepts
1.blessed wit ha sound monitary system, a flourising trade with Persia and the Orient, a strong navy, principles of law and order, and elements of morality and virtue among her people. These characteristics helped her survive the fall of the western empire and endure thruout the middle ages. They were righteous people so they prosperd

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Section reviews 9.2 and 9.3

!. Tertullian.
@. Paul: Beheaded.
Peter: crucified upside down.
#. Domitian.
They refused to pray to him.
$. Vast, subterranean galleries beneath the city or Rome.
Christians hid in them.
%. Under Trajan.
^. Justin Martyr and Blandina.
&. Septimus Severus.
*. Valerian andAurelian.
(. He ordered a systematic search and many biblical manuscripts were destroyed. Phrygia, an entire city of Christians, was burned. many belivers were thrown to wild animals.
So many people died and so many things destroyed.
!). Edict of Milan.

Martyr: witnesses.
Book of Revelation: a group of the prophetic visions of John.
Polycarp: arrested and martyred.
Maximus Thrax: aged bishop of Smyrna.
Decius: Sixth persecution came with his rule.
Origen: Seventh persecution came with his rule.
Maximian: the Vjristian philosopher.
Galerius: proclaimed toleratioin of Christianity.
Constantine I: extended legal protection and regonition to Christians.

!. Clement of Rome.
Ignatius, Polycarp, and Papias.
@. Aristides, justin Martyr, and Tatian.
#. Iraneus.
Against all Heresies.
$. Tertullian.
%. Origen.
^. Athanasius.
&. Ambrose and John Chrysostom.
*. Augustine.
Confessions and City of God.
(. Apostle's Creed.
Nicene Creed.
Athanasian Creed.
!). A.D. 325
Constantinople, Ephesus, and Chalcedon.
!!. Leo III.
False converts flooded churches.
Elders became priests who offered blood to the living dead.

Church Fathers: people who defended their faith and the cause of christ.
Apologists: attempted to defend Christianity.
Gnosticism: combined elements of Greek philosophy, Oriental religion, and Christian theology.
Monoarchianism: denied the doctorine of the Trinity.
Creeds:"I believe"
Arianism: denied the deity of Christ.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Morgan - Mariah= :(

Restricted nations refers to nations who are under persecution. Most are in the Middle East.
!. India:border disputes, overpopulation, poverty and economic and religious strife.
@. Saudi Arabia: It is illegal to be anything but Muslim. People are persecuted if they are anything else/
#. Algeria: Ethnic minority Berbers have long been agitating for autonomy, even so activity by extremist militants continue.
$. Mauritania: Freedom of religion is nonexistent.
%. Indonesia: Forces people to carry a card stating the religious beliefs. Muslims recieve preferab;e treatment.
^. Maldines: Muslim is only recognizable, promoted religion.

VOM: Organization that help persecuted churches. They are found in Canada, Costa Rica, United States, Nigeria, Peru, Finland, Sweden , United Kingdom, Poland, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, and Czech Republic. We can help by volunteering, tell people about it, give, pray, and train your children. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and Sabina founded it.

1. Religious Persecution in Eritrea

Popular religions are accepted while minor religions are not. Being apart of them will result in persecution by various human right groups. The government forced individual relgions to fill out forms that told everything about them. They had to do that in order to worship.

2. World: Asia Minor Denies Acts on religious persecution
People of the Naga ethnicity claimed to have been persecuted for their religion. The military officials straight deny it.

3. Musicians seeking sanctuary
Musicians are being thrown out of their home countries for their choice of musical religion.

4. State Department Praises People for Progress in religious Freedom
While America and Germany are reported to have mass murders, Jordan, Qatar, and Egypt are making a step forward to religious freedom.

5. Religious Freedom Panel Raises Alarms on Islamic Extremeties,2933,192908,00.html
A U.S. goverment panel of religious freedom is raising their awarness on religious freedom in Pakistan. Islamic extremeties and non Muslim rights have startled them.


The internet is helping to raise awareness about religious persecution. It is helping to get the word out and people understand what it is.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


ooooh BLAH!!!

section review numero uno

uno: in the midst of the pax romana, it was the precise time to send Jesus Christ into the world to save sinners....God's plan of salvation required a world prepared for the arrival of Gods only begotten son.

dos: Herod the great

tres: the12 apostles

quatro: by a.d. 100

cinco: many heathen people were won to christ by the sterlingtestimony and genuine love of the early christians


Synagaouge- local place of worship for jews
gentiles- non-jews
Messiah-annointed one of God
church-local assemblies and bodies of believers

ooooh BLAH!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapta eight section review uno y dos.
1. The Latins.

2. Etruscans, Greeks, Carthagenians, Gauls.
Etruscans and Greeks.

Piety, gravity, and dignity.
Writing, arethmetic, and virtues.

4. They had similar gods.

5. 509 B.C.
Ruled by kings.
Nobles of Rome.

6. Electorate[[all citizens eligle to vote]] and consuls[[make laws, forbid laws]].

7. They had an official Plebeain assembly.
Concilium plebis.

8. Twelve tables.

-Rome: Ruler of Mediteranean basin of the ancient times.
-Forum: common marketplace and meeting place.
-Jupiter: the chief of gods.
-Partricians: upper class.
-Plebeians: everyone else.
-Centuries: Military units.
-Republic: interest of the people.
-Electorate: all people can vote.
-Veto: forbid.
-Concilium plebis: pleb assembly.
-Twelve Tables: the law.

1. Roman victory.

2. Hannibal.
Battle of Cannae.

3. Scipio.
Rome won.

4. Roman allys were attacked so Rome joined in.
Rome won again.

5. 133 B.C.

6. People demanded economic, political, and social reforms.

7. Marius and Sulla.
Each sides pledged to their leaders.

8. Caesar, Marius, Crassus.
The senate became afraid of Caesar's growing power and
they wanted to over throw him.
Caesar conquered in Egypt, Syria, Asia Minor, and Spain.

9. Julian Calender.
March 15, 44 B.C.

10. Mark Anthony[[<3]], Octavian, and Lapidus.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 7 Reviews 2 and 3


1. monarchy.....elders and the assembly
2. aristocracy-rule by the best...oligarchy- rule by the few...monarchy-aristocracy-oligarchy-tyrrany-democracy...
3. rule by many or common people...only citizens could participate....women, slaves and men born outside of the city-state couldn't vote.
4. the ruling class made an oligarchy and only they could participate in government...boys began their military training at the age of 7...girls were subject to strenuous athletic training...they made no great contributions to world history because they had extensive governmental regimentation.
5.draco's laws were merciless and were said to have been written in blood and every offense was punishable by death....solon's law repealed the harsh edicts of draco, relieved debtors, and redeemed many slaves
6. pericles-he brought athenian democracy to the fullest...was an aristocrat who dominated athens, while he was ruling the name of the period was "the golden age of greece"
7.Delian league was made because the greek cities expected more trouble from the persians, it eventually became an athenian empire.
8. greece was split in side was oligarchy the other was democracy...consequences of the war were thebes delivered a defeat to sparta and the greek city-states once again became independant.

helos- spartan society classes
peloponesian league- an alliance with corinth, Negara, and other cities in Peloppenesus
Court of areopagus-met on a hill
Peisistratus-a nobleman aspiring to office
Clienthenes-merged as the new champion of the common people
ostracism-citizens could vote to banish any person believed to be dangerous to the state
representative democracy- the citizens select a few men who represnt them in government
direct democracy- the citizens made the big decisions of gov. directly themselves not thru reps.


1. phillip II, founded hellenic league, he wanted the members to contain a considerable degree of self gov.
2. 334 bc
3. alexander crossed the hellespont to begin his conquest, him and his army were to help construct engines of war and to plan strategy and tactics, after defeating the persian forces he quickly subdued seria, palistine, and egypt...although alexander he dominated the entire eastern meditterranean he couldn't resist the lure of further conquest...and after a long and difficult journey, he finally reached babylon...after drinking to muchhe died of a fever or possibly poisen
4.the spread of greek culture...this was very important
5. antigonids, ptolomies, and selucids

macedonia-on the northern fringes of ancient greece
demosthenes- famous athenian speaker and statesman
alexander the great- phillipII son who was soon the macedonian throne
alexandria-16 greek cities named after alexander the great
ipsus-divided the empire among 4 generals who declared themselves king

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Ancient Greece without Mariah T_T

Family Life;;The husband in Greek homes was the head of the household, but the wife ran the household and supervised the slaves. Most Greek parents arranged the weddings for their children. Girls got married in their mid-teens and men got married in their 30’s.

Clothing;;They used goat and sheep for wool. They wore belted garments of wool and leather. Men's clothing went to their knees and women to their ankles. The main footwear was sandals.

Food;;Ancient Greeks mainly ate olives, cereal, grains, fruits, and vegetables. They also used goats for milk, and sheep for meat. They ate fish which came from the surrounding oceans. The Greeks ate wheat, and barley.

Entertainment;;People in Greece had a remarkable veneration for their gods and goddesses. As a result, most ancient Greek entertainment focused on the deities and, in particular, praising them. This was accomplished through a bevy of religious festivals held throughout the year. In truth, there is a bit of a question as to whether these festivals were more for political aims than entertainment and worship. Given this fact, we will leave it at that.

Military;;Ancient Greeks invented the use of technology in warfare. It is the base of military superiority of the civilization of the West. The first such invention was the Phalanx which was used against the Persians. The Athenians produced very fast triremes. The Greeks in Sicily developed the first advanced catapults. In the period of Alexander the Great colossal siege engines were produced. Alexander introduced an army that could move very fast (even today very important) a fact which requires an organization and planning. The Greek Ptolemaic kings of Egypt produced very large ships. The wars of the Diadochi for the control of the territory conquered by Alexander the Great continued for many years. The Romans very fast acquired the Greek military technology and developed the most organized military system the world ever has seen. The small city states of Greece were intergrated in an Empire that could afford the loss of many thousands of soldiers in a battle or in catastrophical events. Pyrrhus of Epirus experienced this fact. Approximately 400000 Roman soldiers died in the Carthaginian war. Around 100000 Romans died in a storm off Cape Pachynus in 255 BC which destroyed a Roman fleet.

Social Life;;I guess they just talked to eachother and what not. I don't know because i can't find anything. I mean, I looked it up on BING! and they just had these things that said "Homosexuals in Ancient Greece." That's just stuff that I don't care to know.

Education;;Many children wanted to go to school but couldn’t go. Only those children of citizens could participate in school. The majority of the people who attended school were boys. Not many girls received education. In Athens, subjects were taught at different schools. There was one for general studies, one for music, and one for physical education. In general studies, reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught. In music, students learned how to play avols or a lyre. In physical education they ran, jumped, and wrestled . Education in Sparta was much different. They wanted to have strong war like boys and many boys the age of seven were sent to military camps or schools. Higher education consisted of law, philosophy , and medicine.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

7.1 Section review and identify.

!. Black and Aegean Sea.
Ionian Sea.
Gulf of Corinth.

@. Aegeans, Minoans, and Mycenaens.
Between 2000 and 1100 B.C.

#. The Minoans.
King Minos at Knossos.

%. The Dorians.
The Hellenes.

^. Homer.
An adventurer and his adventures and what not.

&. Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite, Ares, Hera.
They were the product of poetical genius//figments of imagination.

*. City.
Surrounded a hilltop fortress. Provided refuge from the enemy.

(. Athens, Eretria, and Sparta.

!). 490-479 B.C.

!!. The Greeks were able to hold off the Persians for three days before a Greek traitor showed Persian forces a way over the mountains. After learning about this, Leonidas, the spartan leader, ordered his troops to withdraw.

!@. It placed an absolute limit on the westward expansion of the Persian Empire and ensured that Freek culture would continue to thrive in the west.


Hellespont-a city in greece
Attica-one of the prominent regions of ancient greece
Pelopnnesus- one of the prominent regions of ancient greece
Trojan War- c.1200 bc when myceneans destroyed the city of Troy
Odessyus-the brave greek warior in Homers Illiad and Oddessy
Mt. Olympus-were the god Zuesand other olympian gods supposedly lived
heroes-glorified human beings who possesed unusual abilities and tremendous bravery
Achilles- the invincible greek warrior in the Illiad
barbarian-greeks referred to people who werent greek as this...they thought of them as inferior
olympic games-held every 4th year @ olympia in honor of Zues
Olympiad-the years in between olympic games
Darius I-the new persian king
Xerxes I-Darius I son was determined to conquer greece
Leonidas-spartan leader of the 300
Themistocles-a brilliant athenian who tricked Xerxes into fighting a navail battle in a narrow strait
Plataea-479bc where greece was defeated

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Keeps finishing thw blog assignments.
Thankssss guh.
ooooh BLAH!!!

Adventures in Ancient Greeccceeee.

Six correct.

! Between the ages of eighteen and twenty, boys spent two years training to become a Spartan.

@ One hill in Athens is Acropollis. Many temples were built on it.

# The Parthenon is the largest builing on Acropollis.

$ The Pythnx was the voting hill where Greece born citizens raised their hands to vote.

% Girls stayed at home where their mom taught them how to take care of a home and family.

^ People lived in homes under the hill of Acropollis.

& Boys went to school at the age of seven to learn to read, write, and sing.

* The olive tree was supposedly given by Athena, the goddess who protected the city.

! Calling a Spartan a "Trembeler" was horrible! It meant that they were afraid to fight.

@ At the age of seven, Spartan boys were sent to military camp.

# After battle, the Spartans would hang their weapons in trees to thank the gods for victory.

$ At the age of twenty, you had to join the army.

% Spartan girls didn't go to school or join the army. They had to stay fit to have healthy babies though.

^ babies were taken from there mothers to be checked....weak babies were left to die because spartan babies had to be fit

& spartan boys were kept hungry..and often had to steal to eat...this taught them to be sneaky...a useful skill in battle

* sparta was surrounded by from invaders

Mt. Olympus;;

! hera was the wife of Zues...goddes of marriage and women

@ Ares was the god of war

# Zues god of weather and the ruler of the gods

$ demeter goddes of grain and fertility

% artemis goddes of moon, hunting and children

^ hephaistos god of blacksmiths and fire

! god of travel and theives

@ apollo god of the sun, music, and truth

# aphrodite goddess of love and beauty

$ dionysius god of wine and theatre

% posiden god of the sea and earthquakes

& Athena goddes of war, wisdom and arts

ooooh BLAH!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

essay questions:
When Africa was ruled by Europeans there were only 2 free nations in Africa....this was a time of great progress.

Africa's most pressing needs now are the gospel, food ,shelter, education, and a stable civil government.

key terms:

Africa's Landscape
deserts-over 2/5 of africa is deserts...sahara is in n. africa......kalihari is in s. africa
savanna-land characterized by wet and dry seasons coverd by grasses and shrubs
mountains-africa's longest mountain range is the atlas mountain's tallest mountain is mt. kilimanjaro
nile river-longest river
lake victoria-africa's largest lake
great rift valley- largest rift in the world

Africa's History
africa's history began shortly after the flood...
ebed melech-helped jerimiah in prison
unnamed ethiopian eunuch-most famous cushite in history....phillip led him to Christ....1st african on record to become a Christian
edesius and frumentius- taken to ethiopia as slaves after they were shipwrecked...frumentius was the 1st bishop of ethiopian christian church....they are credited with bringing christianity to africa

Early Christianity in Africa
Alexandria,Egypt; Cyrene, Libya; Carthage, Tunisia......influental cities in christianity
Simon of Cyrene-helped carry Jesus' cross
Clement of alexandria- wrote the oldest surviving christian hymn which is sheperd of tender youth

African Trade
sea trade-africans traded iron, ivory and gold....for porcelain, precious stones, and silk with asians
inland trade- btwn 300 and 1200 ad Ghana traded gold, ivory, and slaves for salt copper and dried fruit from arabs
mali empire-lasted from 1200- 1500 ad modern day Guinea, Mali, and Senegal
Timbuktu- important trading center for mali empire famous center for learning and culture
songhai empire- dominated west africa in 1500's monopolized trade across the sahara

Exploration and Missions
africa was often referred to as the white man's grave because of the various conditions and diseases.....intense heat,malaria,sleeping sickness, and yellow fever.
Mungo Park-explored africa from 1805-1806 traced most of the Niger river.
Hugh Clapperton-explored africa from 1822-1824...1st european to cross the sahara desert
Alexander Liang- explored africa fro 1825-1826 1st european to reach Timbuktu
Robert Moffat- one of the 1st missionaries to africa....said "I can see the the smoke of 1000 villages where the name of Christ has never been heard"
David Livingstone- wen to Moffat's call for more missionaries.....1st European to see Victoria Falls

Africa in Modern Times
European rule-by ww1 only 2 countries were free....however this was a time of great progress
Progress...... in law and order, schools were founded, roads and railroads, hospitals, and new cities.
1950's -1960's-a move toward independance from european rule, began with Ghana 1957
General Idid Amin- seized power in Uganda ruled until 1979, devout muslin, killed and tortured as many as 300,00 people.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

africa map game

mariah: 21 in 120 sec...
morgan:21 in 120 sec...

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

African facts and photos.

A. Indian Ocean, Mountains, Plateus, Coastal Plane.

B. East Africa and Nairobi.

C. Great Rift Valley.

D. Elephants, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, zebras, hippos, rhinos, and MOREEE!
Over fifty reserves.

E. Indian Ocean and Victoria Lake.
It has created a diverse group of people.

F. It may have been the original birthplace of all humans.

G. It was a big part of kenya's history.
Many Kenyans were kidnapped and taken as slaves by Arab. By the time slavery was out lawed, Kenyans were already spread out in many countries throughout the world.

H. Sixty languages and forty ethnic groups.

I. School is free but most children are too busy to go to school. They help their parents by working, tending caddle, and cooking.

J. Music and storytelling.

K. It is independant so it is a republic.

L. Republic of Kenya.
Swahili and English.

M. Kenya shilling.
Aberdare Range, Mau Escarpment.
Athi/Galani, Tana.

One: some arthropologists found a fossil.....

Two: some tribal ladies with they makeup and jewelry on....

Three: people takin pictures of a lion....

Four: the city of.....iono....

Five: a lke....hmm im guessing lake VICTORIA??...

Six: Kenyan flag..........

Photo 1- arcgeologist examin fossils
Photo 2- Massai women reveal personal information with their jewelery
Photo 3 - a tourist in Kenya watches two lions
Photo 4 - founded in 1899, Nairobi is on of Africa's largest cities
Photo 5 - Kenya's Lake Victoria is Africa's largest lake
Photo 6 - Kenyan Flag

ooooh BLAH!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Games of the African persuasion.

Map Game:
Twenty-one in one hundred nineteen seconds.

Twenty-five in one hundred nineteen seconds.

Mini game Demo:
I had to kick the luggage into the belt thingy. It was hard. Especially the second round. But the cute little zebra and the lion are adorbale. I love the movie so yay!

Glu Mobile Game:
The screen thingy looked like a cell phone so that was cool. I was killed by a prairie dog or something. But the lion had to run and jump and what not. Anndddd he had to collect steaks because I don't know why. That wasn't very vegetarian friendly, but it was a pretty fun game.

Africa Clue Game:
That game was pretty hard. I didn't know any of all! So they gave me these clues and stuff...that didn't help much. I really had no idea about any of them.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

African Geography game.



ooooh BLAH!!!

6.1 section review and identify.

!. 2/5.
Sahara and Kalaharia.
North west and South west.

@. Atlas.

#. Victoria and the Nile.

$. The Great Rift Valley.

The Dark Continent: what Africa was called because it was an unexplored mystery.
Savanna: vast tracks of land characterized by wet ad dry seasons.
Lake Tanganyika: world's longest and second deepest lake.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


africa is the 2nd largest country...............lower egypt is above upper egypt.....herodotus lived 485-425bc.......@ the mouth of the nile (delta) there is fertile rich alluvial soil......2 granite colossi and 1 alabaster sphinx survive from Memphis.....egyptian people spent most of their life prepairing for their death.......great pyramid of cheops is 480 feet high takes up 13 acres and took 2.3 million stone blocks.....Howard carter dicovered king tutankhamen's tomb in 1922 known as one of the greatest archeological finds.......huge pyramids were used as caskets......THATS ITTT!!!

ooooh BLAH!!!


Sahara Desert: world's largest desert
Nile: worlds Longest river
Egypt: in the northeast corner pf Africa called "the seedbed of civilization"
Mizraim: egypt's ancient name, also name of Ham's calls egypt the land of ham
Nomes: small states in egypt
Pharoahs: strong rulers who divided the nomes into lower and upper egypt
Menes: the very 1st pharoah of a united egypt "Kingdom of the 2 lands"
"the gift of the nile": heordotus called egypt this
Heiroglyphics: egyptian form o writing contains over 700 charachters
Book of the dead: most important egyptian work....thought to guide souls thru the after life
Memphis: 12 miles south of Cairo...known as Noph in the bible.....
Thebes: 450 miles south of Cairo...nothing remains but a vast necropolis (city of the dead)
Pyramid:best symbolizes egypts government...and these were tombs too.
Monarchy/theocracy: egypt's government dominated by the god-king pharoah
Humanism:worshiped me
Polytheism: worshiped many gods
natralism: worshiped nature

Egyptian tombs: early phraoah built large stone pyramids to serve as their tomb or house of store their mortal remains
Great pyramid of cheops: one of the wonders of the ancient world....took 100,000 workers 20 years to build this thang
King tut: teenage phraoah...died @ 18....tomb was filled with exquisite treasutre
mumification: the process of preserving dead bodies
30Dynasties: ancient egypt was divided into these
Old kingdom: dynasties 3-6.....important monarchs...cheops,khafre,and menkaure
Pyramids @ Giza: built by cheops, khafre, and menkaure
Great sphinx: built in the likeness of Khafre and has head of man and body of a lion
middle kingdom: 11th dynasty........king Mentuhotep I.....established capital at thebes
Hyksos: asiatic warriors who conquered the middle kingdom...they had chariots and horses
Ahmose I: king of the new kingdom....drove hyksos out of egypt.
New kingdom: 18-20 dynasty
Hatshepshut: only female pharoah...may have been moses mom
Amenhotep I: thutmose III son.....he may have bee n pharoah during the exodus
Later new kindom: Rameses II
Rameses II: most outstanding egyptian monarch
Alexander the great:the young macedonian king who took after his father.....crossed the Hellespont 334.....wanted to create a world empire for himself

Alexandria: 16 greekl cities that alexander named for himself
Lighthouse of Alexadria: one of the wonders of the ancient world 440 feet high marble tower...with a fire burning pitch and a giant reflective mirror the lighthouse could cast its light 35 miles across the sea!!!

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

mummy game summary.

mariah says: this game was so so so so so so so so so fun. and i really really really really really really enjoyed that thang!! i actually would love to play it everyday for the rest of mah life!! and then im gonna make my grandchildren play it everyday of their life!! thank you for allowing us to play such an intriguing game

The game was very interesting and informative. I was able to learn about the mummie process and the jars and what not. sooooo yay egyptian dead people!

ooooh BLAH!!!

Egytian stufffff.

A. Without the Nile, AEgypt would just be a desert. Only an inch of rain falls there per year.

B. Upper and Lower Egypt.

C. Southern conatains low mountains and deserts.
Northern has wide valleys near the Nile.

D. Cheetahs, hyenas, cobras, and crocodiles.
Wetlands and islands.

E. hippos, leopards, elephants.

F. 3000 B.C.
Eight thousand years ago.

G. 3100 B.C.

H. 31 B.C.
A.D. 640

I. British. Suez Canal. 1952.

J. Muslim.

K. There isn't enough room.

L. Because they can help on farms.

M. Republic.

N. Visitors to the Great Sphinx.

O. Arab Republic of Egypt.

P. Cairo.

Q. 7888007.

R. Egyptian pound.

a boat in water.
[[large ships steam through the Suez Canal in Egypt]]

An old man on a bike in the middle of a crowded street.
[[Shoppers walk through an open air market in Luxor, Egypt]]

A camel with weird looking things on it by pyramids.
[[A camel stands near the Great Pyramids in Giza, Egypt]]

A city with lots of buildings.
[[Crowded Cario, Egypt, has more than 18 million people.]]

People getting water in big vases.
[[Two women fill their jugs with water at the Nile River.]]

The flag.
[[Egyptian flag.]]

-->I wasn't that close.

A. Armored tanks.
Insects and small fish.

B. Bellows and snatches.

C. On the shore of the river, in some sand.

D. About twenty to eighty.
She does watch them.

E. They send out high pitched sounds.

F. The water.

G. By basking in the sun.

H. Crocidylus niloticus.
twenty feet.

I. Eighty years.
Webbed feet.

J. The nile.

K. Aligators have a round face and crocodiles have a triangular.

L. To propel through the water.

M. Schools of fish.

N. Baboons, hyenas, wildebeast, and impala.

O. They are highly developed.

P. They help grind the food.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


A. Thirty centuries.
He was a living god.
You would have to say the name of the dead person and preserve their body.

B.Your dead body is collected and cleaned, then taken to the ‘place of embalming’, called the wabet.
linen- used as bandages.
your body- it is being mummified.
the priest- he acts as the chief embalmer.
natron salt- used to dry out the body.
canopic jars- used to store organs.
tools- used to remove the organs.
oils- smooth skin and make it sweet smelling.

C.Your liver, lungs, stomach and intestines.
Stored them in canpoic jars.

D. The shriveled body is stuffed with various objects to make it look plump.
Mud, onions, chaff, rags, and sawdust.

E. They embalmed it.
Linen, resin, and shrouds.

F. Pictures of the gods and the correct spells painted on them, plenty of hieroglyphs.
A kitty.
Statues and other stuff.

G. There were mourners and priests. Your coffin was on a boat.
The people wore blue clothes and mourned. The priest burn incense and recite poems and what not.

H. They raided the tombs for riches and goods. They broke into the tombs.
they wanted linen because it took so long to make. Glass because is was valuable. Gold jewelry because it was valuable.

This game was very interesting. I didn't know like anything at all. The thing about the organs was really gross and weird. I can't believe it took seventy days to do this process!

This was a very educational game. I didn't know much about the brains that was snottin out the mummies noses and thats kinda nasty...but egyptians were scary cuz they "priest" wore the head of anubis.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 5.3 review and identify.

1. into thirty dynasties.

2. Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure.

3. King Mentuhotep I.
Joseph became the prime minister of Egypt.

4. Ahmose.
They were like the Hyksos.

5. Hatshepsut.

6. Because Egypt restablished it's empire in Asia during this period.
Thutmose III.
His successor may have been pharoah during the Hebrew exodus.

7. Basically, he decided to advance Egypt at any cost. He made Egypt join with Syria. He attempted to destory Israel...and the rest is history.

8. Anwar el-Sadat.
negotiated with Israel's prime minister.

-Giza: where the three largest pyramids are.

-Great Sphinx: head of a man, body of a lion, bears the likeness of Khafre.

-Twelfth Dynasty: the kings established their capital at Thebes.

-Hyskos: Asiatic warriors.

-Ramses II: the most outstanding monarch.

-Alexandria: the most important city in Alexander's empire.

-Septuagint: the old testament was translated to Greek.

-Ptolemy: Alexander's general who gained control of Egypt.

-Cairo: became the center of Egyptian life and the center of the Arab world.

-Suez Canal: completed by French engineers and British officials.

-Hosni Mubarak: took over after Sadat.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Walk the plankk.

Egypt: 50%
China: 30%

Egypt: 80%
China: 70%

ooooh BLAH!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review and identify

1. Africa....Sahara....Nile....
2. meditteranean sea to the north, Sahara to the west, red sea to the east
3. Mizraim....
4. because it is basically the root of all african cultures.
5.Upper and lower egypt....lower egypt was toward the delta of the nile and upper egypt was facing toward the bottom of africa. Menes united these states.
6. Sahara desert
7. egypt was the greatest and most magnificent power of the ancient world.
8. without the floodwaters and the fertile soil deposited by the nile each year, egypt would be a wasteland.
9.champoilion deciphered heiroglyphics....A stone was found that consisted of one message carved into thress different languages, heiroglyphics, demotic, and greek.
10. Memphis and Thebes
11.the pyramid...because the slaves were at the bottom, nobility and leaders were in the middle and the pharoah was on top, with supreme rule over all.
12. Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife. they even burried wives and slaves with nobility because they thought that they woyld be helpful in the next life...

Isthmus of Suez: a strip of land that once connected africa to asia
Copts:ancient egyptian people
nomes: small states in egypt
Nile Delta: where the nile dumps into the meditteranean sea
heiroglyphics: egyptian form of writing
Book of the dead: a book of spells and prayers burried with people
necropolis:dead cityy

ooooh BLAH!!!
mariah: 10 outta 12
morgan was absent!

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Nile game thing.

Only scribes could read and write heiroglyphics. Rich boys went to school while rich girls learned to sing and what not. I guess the poor people got screwed over and couldn't do anything. Anddddd, when he was at home, he did work with his parents. We both got a perfect score. Yay us!

ooooh BLAH!!!

Egyptianss gaaming.

Morgan;; twenty- one.
Mariah;; twenty-two.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


a. What is a "stela"?
a stella is a decorated stone in a tomb that tells who is buried there.
b. What type of writing did Ancient Egyptians use?
ancient egyptians used a type of writing called heiroglyphs
c. Once you decipher the hieroglyphs, what does it spell?
d. Once you descend into the tomb, what do you find?
we found canopic jars which held the persons guts, a coffin, and statues of Anubis
e. What do the statues represent?
the god anubis
f. Describe the gods of the Ancient Egyptians.
the ancient egyptian gods had human bodies and animal heads
g. What are the "canopic" jars? What's in them?
the jars are what holds the person in the coffin's lungs, liver, stomach and intestines
h. What is the coffin made of?
made out of wood coverd in painted heiroglyphs
i. Each person in your group should write a 1 paragraph summary about this game and post it to your blog
i actually really enjoyed this game. it was very interactive. i think i liked it so much because i really like egypt and stuff. i like the movie the mummy and the mummy returns and the 3rd mummy movie. but i forgot the name of that one. sooo i liked this game cuz its really funn and stuff!! -mariah gee

The game was aiighht. Mariah looked like she had fun with it so yay! I don't really like history so yeah...yay!

ooooh BLAH!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Study Guide and Map Game.

From 3.1-
1.What was the first empire to rule after Sumer?

2.Who was Hammurabi?
The first king of Babylon.

3.What is the Babylonian Genesis/Enuma Elish?
The Genesis like ours.

4.Who were the Hittites? Why are they important?
They were the socond empire to take over. They used lots of iron.

From 4.1 -
1.What is the highest place in Asia? Lowest?
Mt. Everest. Dead Sea.

2.Name the 3 main rivers in Asia.
Tigris-Euphrates, Indus River and Huang Ho.

3.Why is India called a “subcontinent”?
It's so distincly off from Asia.

4.Name the 3 major land regions in India.
The Decan Plateau, the Himalyan Mts, and the Northern Plains.

From 4.5 -
1.What are the names of the 4 islands that make up the nation of Japan?
Hokkiado, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu.

2.What’s Japan’s famous mountain called?
Mt. Fuji.

3.Who were the earliest inhabitants of Japan?

4.What is Shinto?
The religion of the worship of nature.

Map Game:

the map game was easy i got a perfect SCORE!!

I didn't do that well; I got half of the rightt.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

The nasty Sumo people

a. What is SUMO?
Two fat people who wear mawashi's and look at eachother and
try to push people and stuff.

b. How do wrestlers win at SUMO?
One of the wrestlers is forced out of the ring and then
the referee calls the winner.

c. When did SUMO start?
In 710.

d. What's a day in the life of a SUMO wrestler like?

When they are young, they live in a stable. A stable is conducted by an old wrestler who was good at in his prime. They wake up early and train hard to move up to the next rank. Their day starts at about five in the morning. At eight, they go eat. They eat again and eleven. And then again at six. And once more at ten thirty.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

World EEEEEEEEEEExploration & Photo Analysis Chaallenge.

World Exploration:

It took a long time to load. The little woman gave me the creepies. I didn't get a score. I didn't do that great. I only got like two or three on the first try. It took my three or four or five times to get the other answers. I only got one true or false question right. Oh well.

this game was PHENOMONAL!! i lurvedd ittt...i almost cried cuz i liked it sooo much!! it is very challenging and makes u think. but i cheated for half of the questions becaus i went to google and looked up the answers but yoo kno how that goes....n e hoo!!! GREAT FUNN!!

Photo Analysis Challenge:

i aint even like dis game cuz i cant see that well....just playin but it was aight but it didnt tell you if you found all the pictures are not

This game was aiigghht. It didn't have anything to do with history so it was almost fun. Not quite, but almost. The only thing i had to do was click the differences soooo yeaahhh.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Japanese Gameeess.

What's In the Photo;;
Morgan- I only got five correct. It made me guess what the blurry Japanese images were used for. The red booksack thingy was really cute...

Mariah-i got 3 out of 10 correct. ive never seen any of those things so my guess was way off

Gesture Game;;
Mariah- 4/4 Chinese gestures are much different than american gestures. When the boy was pointing to his nose i thought he was just pointing to his nose but that is actually the gesture for ME. but in america we would probaly just point to our chest.

Morgan- 2/4. It was funny. The little dog peed on the girl. Japanese people are weird.

Hiragana Picture Matching Game;;
Morgan- It's hard. I don't know any of them. Like, I got all of them wrong except tree. Kayla told me which one that was. But it took me like six tries to get all the other ones.

Mariah-i never seeen half of these lil characters in my life and i kept getting the answers worng so i ot mad and i stopped playing because i got 0 right but it had pretty colors!!

Japanese Celebrations;;

Morgan- I got all of them right. it was pretty easy. and kind of boring. there really isn't much to say about that game soooo :).

ooooh BLAH!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 4 section Review

1. Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, and Huang Ho....Indus Valley civilization
2. 1/3 of earth's land area....3 1/2 Billion people.....60% of earth's population
3. Himalayan Mountains, Northern Plains, Deccan Plateau....
4. Religion-which is Hinduism....Social arrangement- Caste System
5. Mauryas.
6. Siddartha Guatama, buddhism still survives in china today.
7. Guptas
8.Mogul Empire
9. British East India Trading Company
10. Adoniram Judson
11. New trade partners
12. Mahatma Ghandi, Nehru
13. Indira Ghandi and Rajiv Ghandi
14. The Gupta Dynasty contributed great advances in art, literature, and math.

Mount Everest-Highest place on earth
Dead sea- lowest place on earth
Indus Valley Civilization-first indian civilization to settle on the indus River
Aryans-Barbaric people invaded india
Dravidians- indegenous people
Asoka-Maurya Empires greatest ruler
Tahj Mahal-means best of buildings
Pakistan- west pakistan becam known qas this
Bangladesh- used to be east pakistan
Hindustani-the official language of modern pakistan
Sepoy Rebellion- 1857 native indian troops revolted against britain
Adoniram Judson- father of American missions

ooooh BLAH!!! WE DONE

Monday, August 31, 2009

Asia Map Game :)

one hundred eighty-five seconds.

one hundred twenty-nine seconds.

ooooh BLAH!!!

World's capitals gammeeee. :)



ooooh BLAH!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Taj mahlyyyyyy.

Where is the Taj Mahal?

When was it built?

Who built it?
Shah Jahn.

Why was it built?
For the wife who hr loved most who died.

What materials is it constructed from?

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Indus river Valley Game.

1. When did the Indus Valley civilization exist?
2600 to 1900 B.C.

2. What countries did this civilization spread across?
Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India.

3. How many settlements have archaeologists discovered?
Over two thousand.

4. Which city may have been an important port city?

5. Which city was excavated by archaeologists in 1920?

6. What does “Mohenjo-Daro” mean?
Mound of the dead.

7. Which is the biggest settlement archaeologists have found in the Indus Valley?

8. What type of photographs do archaeologists usually take?
Aerial photographs.

9. What’s significant about “First Street”?
It is the longest and widest street in Mohenjo-Daro.

10. What were bricks used for there?
For building house walls.

11. Did their houses have drains?

12. What were the wells used for?

13. What were the narrow drains used for?
To drain water away from the city.

14. What artifacts did you find using the “Excavation Map”?
Teracotta tablet, necklace, figurine, seal, metal plate, boxes, statue..

15. Finish playing the game. Each person in your group should write a TWO paragraph summary

I, honestly, didn't really enjoy this game. It was informative, but it was way too long. And, all I was able to do is press buttons. So, it was kind of lame.
I did learn alot though. I forgot what i learned. About the artifacts and what not.

this game was kinda.......long but it was very informative. i dont really kno what Mohenjo-Daro is. But it was cool to uncover those artifacts. Maybe that place was fake and they made it up.

If they did make it up they did a good job because they had a lot of information o n that city. I probably wouldn't play it again only because it was soo long!!.

ooooh BLAH!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hopping through History:

Kina Orca Preserve:

History Galactica:

Brick Buster's History Game:

ooooh BLAH!!!

Section Review 2 and Identify.

1. Canaan, Palestine, and Israel.
Judism, Islam, and Christianity view it as their Holy land.

2. Dan to Beersheba.

3. It was the main highway to the ancient world.

4. The Ten Commandments.

5. That He would be their King, and they became a nation ruled by God who also chose their leaders.

6. Phoenicians.

7. David and Solomon.
David brought the ark of the covenant.
During Solomon's reign, there was a time of peace.

8. It was divided into the Northern Kingdom, Israel, and the Southern Kingdom, Judah.

9. 721 B.C.

Abraham: Father of a great Nation.

Patriarchs: the founding fathers of the nations of Israel.

Moses: one of the greatest men who delivered the Israelites from Egypt.

Covenant: solemn agreement.

Theocracy: a nation ruled by God.

Alphabet: system of writing in which letters are used to represnt sounds.

Sinai Script: the first true alphabet.

Literacy: the ability to read and write one's own language.

721 B.C.: when the Assyrians invaded jerusalem.

586 B.C.: when the Babylonians invaded the Southern Kingdom.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Middle East Geography Game.

morgan;; eighty.
mariah;; 80.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Section Review and Identify

1. Scientific notation
2. law and government
3. hittites
4.Assyrian Empire
5. Ashurbanipal
6.Noabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar, 586 B.C.
7. Cyrus the great, to build a house for God in Jeruselum
8.Under Darius I and Xerxes I, King Darius
9. Ahsuerus, Artaxerxes I
10. They had a much higher regard for the sanctity of the law.

Babylon-the first empire to rule the middle east after sumer
Hammurabi- king if Babylon made the babylonian code of law
Enuma Elish-the babylonina equivalent for the Genisis in the Bible
Tiglath Pileaser- Seized Bbaylon, Assyria's first great monarch.
Chaldeans- semitic people from Arabia pverthrew Assyrian Empire.
Hangin Gardens- one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
Daniel- one of the Jews taken captive by the Babylonians.
zoroatrianism- a false pagan religion that the persians practiced.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

history 101

Motion pictures were developed scientifically long before their artistic or commercial possibilities were realized and explored. One of the earliest scientific advances leading directly to the development of motion pictures was the publication of a paper by the English scholar Peter Mark Roget in 1824, enunciating the principle of “The Persistence of Vision with Regard to Moving Objects.” It established that the human eye retains an image for a fraction of a second longer than the image is actually present. Roget's paper inspired scientists to invent various ways to demonstrate the principle.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Morgan's birthday in history.

Elizabeth Taylor signs with 20th Century Fox to make Cleopatra. Her salary is $1 million.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Mariah's Birthday in history

On March 14, 1879, Albert Einstein is born, the son of a Jewish electrical engineer in Ulm, Germany. Einstein's theories of special and general relativity drastically altered man's view of the universe, and his work in particle and energy theory helped make possible quantum mechanics and, ultimately, the atomic bomb.

ooooh BLAH!!!

This day in history

On this day in 1911, a dispatcher in the New York Times office sends the first telegram around the world via commercial service. Exactly 66 years later, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) sends a different kind of message--a phonograph record containing information about Earth for extraterrestrial beings--shooting into space aboard the unmanned spacecraft Voyager II.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Geo spy games

Mariah 37/50
50 states game

Morgan;; 7/7
Continent Game.

ooooh BLAH!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009